[Buildbot-devel] GSOC Aspirant : Interested in "[AngularJS project] Use angular dashboard framework for nine homepage"

Parbhat Puri 2012ecs17 at smvdu.ac.in
Sat Mar 14 18:36:45 UTC 2015


I am an Undergraduate student in Computer Science and Engineering with a
focus on Web Development. I would like to work on "[AngularJS project] Use
angular dashboard framework for nine homepage" for my GSOC project. I have
an experience with web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, jQuery,
AngularJS, Django, PHP. While searching for projects in AngularJS, I found
a number of great projects by Buildbot community.

Please guide me about this project or other projects related to AngularJS
for GSOC.
Looking forward to your response.

With Regards,

Parbhat Puri
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