[Buildbot-devel] [OT][GSoC] About the registration

Pierre Tardy tardyp at gmail.com
Sat Mar 14 17:15:39 UTC 2015

I think you have plenty of time (10 days)

This time could be very well used trying to investigate on your ideas about
making a material design version of the UI.

You can also study on the project itself. is ADF a good framework for the
home page?
Is there other project that might better suit the purpose?

You indeed already have a strong proof that you can dig into the code,
submit PRs, and react positively to review comments.

Lets take those 10 days for making great design proposition for the home
page dashboard.


Le sam. 14 mars 2015 à 17:18, chase <i at chasezhang.me> a écrit :

> Hi everyone,
> The registration of Google Summer of Code for students will be open in a
> few days. I’m wondering what I most should do to improve the possibility to
> be selected at this time point.
> As for myself, I have already be quite familiar to the code by skimming
> over the code and fixed a few issues.  Should I keep solving the issues on
> the list or turn to write a good proposal document?
> I ask this question because I guess I could finish an issue in three or
> four days and writing a proposal may cost me four or five days. The
> registration will open for about 10 days, but due to there are also some
> tasks to be done in my school, it seems hard for me to finish yet another
> issue as well as writing a proposal with fully consideration at the same
> time before the deadline.
> So do you put the experiences of solving the issues on the first place or
> a wonderful proposal document?
> --
> chase
> Sent with Airmail
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