[Buildbot-devel] Parallelism across changes?

John W jwdevel at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 20:49:02 UTC 2014

I have an extremely simple buildbot setup (just learrning), with one
slave, one changesource, and one builder.

What I'm trying to accomplish is the following:

I want every change emanating from the change source to trigger a new build.
Further, I'd like each of these builds to run in parallel.

Right now, I have a SingleBranchScheduler with treeStableTimer=None,
and that does indeed seem to create a build for every change.

However, only one build is run at a time, where I'd like them to be parallel
I understand that a given slave should be capable of running parallel
builds (hence the max_builds configuration option), but my slave, with
max_builds=None (the default), is still only running one build at a

I believe that if I had multiple builders defined, and they all
pointed to the same slave, they might all get run in parallel.

But that's not exactly what I want, I don't think... I want one change
to kick off exactly one build — not multiple. Also, each of these
builds is identical; they don't need their own build steps, etc.

Any advice on how best to achieve this?


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