[Buildbot-devel] Build partially on the master

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at zmanda.com
Fri Jun 20 20:20:18 UTC 2008

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 10:03 AM, Martin Quinson
<martin.quinson at loria.fr> wrote:
> My problem is that the project uses the autotools to get generated,
> and that I cannot install them on all the slaves I have at hand. So,
> the solution chosen so far was to add all the generated files to the
> project svn, but they are a pain for the version control.

I solved this problem by writing a builder that does the autotools
magic and runs 'make dist' -- the builder is called mktarball.  That
builder's last step is to trigger the other builds which then use the
tarball it created.  One of the trickier parts of all this is to embed
the revision in the name of the tarball, to allow repeated builds and
out-of-order builds (we have some REALLY SLOW buildslaves), but it
wasn't too bad.


Storage Software Engineer

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