[Buildbot-devel] Build partially on the master

Martin Quinson martin.quinson at loria.fr
Mon Jun 23 20:44:34 UTC 2008

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 04:20:18PM -0400, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 10:03 AM, Martin Quinson
> <martin.quinson at loria.fr> wrote:
> > My problem is that the project uses the autotools to get generated,
> > and that I cannot install them on all the slaves I have at hand. So,
> > the solution chosen so far was to add all the generated files to the
> > project svn, but they are a pain for the version control.
> I solved this problem by writing a builder that does the autotools
> magic and runs 'make dist' -- the builder is called mktarball.  That
> builder's last step is to trigger the other builds which then use the
> tarball it created.  One of the trickier parts of all this is to embed
> the revision in the name of the tarball, to allow repeated builds and
> out-of-order builds (we have some REALLY SLOW buildslaves), but it
> wasn't too bad.

I also envisaged having such a builder, but my problem is that I don't
see how this builder could trigger a build on another one. I already
have the svn revision embeeded in the tarball, so the second part
would be ok, I guess.

Would you mind sharing your config file with me?

Thanks in advance,

PS: I'm not on the list yet, sorry. Please CC me.

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