[Buildbot-devel] Build partially on the master

Martin Quinson martin.quinson at loria.fr
Fri Jun 20 14:03:10 UTC 2008


I use buildbot for a research project called SimGrid (homepage:
simgrid.gforge.inria.fr; bot:bob.loria.fr:8010 if you want to add it
to the success stories).

My problem is that the project uses the autotools to get generated,
and that I cannot install them on all the slaves I have at hand. So,
the solution chosen so far was to add all the generated files to the
project svn, but they are a pain for the version control.

So, I'd like to switch to a solution where the master does some
commands (typically, "svn up", "bootstrap", "make dist"), download the
archive to the slave and then run the classical steps on the slave
side. I digged a bit around, but I fail to see how this could be

I guess I could hack the dummy step to do what I want, but I'm not
confident enough in Python to try it. Maybe someone already did
something similar? Or does someone have a better idea?

Thanks, Mt.

I had a headache just by looking at the data structures of your linear-time 
optimal algorithm. No doubt an exhaustive algorithm would be more efficient in
practice. -- Bastard Reviewer From Hell
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