[users at bb.net] How to store/visualise graphs as build artifacts?

Dr. Mark Asbach mark.asbach at pixolus.de
Tue Nov 26 16:06:21 UTC 2019

Hi Buildbot users,

We've recently setup a Buildbot server for one of our projects and most things were really easy to get from the documentation. We were even able to add our own dashboards using the Flask integration that is documented. There is one point where I’m stuck, though:

Some of our build steps create plots as PNG-files. I could upload them using the FileUpload() buildstep (https://docs.buildbot.net/latest/manual/configuration/buildsteps.html#step-FileUpload) to a directory shared on the master by nginx. However, I would prefer to have the files somewhere versioned with the actual build data and visualised with the actual build and also pruned when old builds get removed. What I could do is to encode them as string/JSON data and add them as build properties, but how would I then *display* them as part of a build, ideally intermixed with the logs in the „Build Steps“ tab?

Any pointers to documentation or source code would be very welcome. I somehow seem to use the wrong search terms - at least I don’t find anything that sounds like a solution to my problem.

Thanks in advance,
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