[users at bb.net] Help with using nextBuild

Ryan Schmidt buildbot at ryandesign.com
Thu Mar 15 21:59:20 UTC 2018

On Mar 12, 2018, at 01:18, Mojca Miklavec wrote:

> I would like to ask for some help with nextBuild.
> Let's assume that I set some property to the scheduled build. I would
> like to implement the nextBuild function in approximately this way:
> def pickNextBuild(builder, requests):
>    d = requests[0]
>    for request in requests:
>        if request.properties.getProperty('priority') <
> d.roperties.getProperty('priority'):
>            d = request
>    return d
> but I cannot figure out how to actually read any property. The "if
> part" throws a syntax error, but I tried multiple variants without any
> success.

To provide closure for this thread, Mojca figured it out, and implemented it this way:


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