[users at bb.net] Navigating to recent builds(history)

honas grael honasgraeymael at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 13:00:21 UTC 2016

Hi, I have recently installed buildbot 0.9.0b6, and the corresponding
buildslave. I also installed the latest UI bits e.g buildbot-www-1latest,
buildbot-waterfall, console, codeparameter etc.
I really must say the UI is really nice, no offense to the UI of old.
I have successfully manage to trigger a number of builds (all for test
purposes, to see if I could get it going), and the results were good, or at
least as I expected.
However I noticed 2 things
I can't find a history of the recent builds, I have tried using the
navigation menu, builds,builders,buildslaves, even settings. I couldn't see
anything that took me to the page showing recent builds, and whether or not
they passed or failed. Even the Home & Waterfall pages didn't reveal much.
When i typed in ../builders/1/builds/2, i found all the information related
to my second build, all the results were presented to me really nicely. But
I can't imagine how a novice(such as myself) would stumble across this URL
and type it in the browser.
Have I missed something?
Note I am running on Windows, using python 2.7.10, twisted 15.4.0

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