[users at bb.net] Triggered builds getting skipped

Ed Singleton singletoned at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 10:42:04 UTC 2016

Setting collapseRequests=False globally appears to have fixed the problem.
>From reading the documentation, I can see why that might have been a
problem for us, as we are creating multiple builds with all the same
details (even the same revision of code) but with a slightly different
property for each one.  I still can't see why it would be so intermittent
though.  The number of them that were collapsed seemed quite random.

I would suggest that False should be the default for this setting as it
only appears to be a performance enhancement.  I'd also suggest that it
should check whether the properties of the builds are the same before
collapsing them.

Thanks for all your help with this.


On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 12:30 PM, Pierre Tardy <tardyp at gmail.com> wrote:

> Interrestingly, I see a lot of buildrequests that are indeed claimed,
> complete and with "SKIPPED" (code 6) results.
> They are finished 7 seconds after being claimed.
> That would be interresting to also see the list of builds, to see if there
> is a corresponding SKIPPED build.
> I did a quick search for SKIPPED in the source code, and see that a
> buildrequests can be marked SKIPPED by the build request collapser:
>     # Before adding new buildset/buildrequests, we must examine each
> unclaimed
>     # buildrequest.
>     # EG:
>     #  1. get the list of all unclaimed buildrequests:
>     #     - We must exclude all buildsets which have at least 1 claimed
> buildrequest
>     #  2. For each unclaimed buildrequests, if compatible with the new
> request
>     #     (sourcestamps match, except for revision) Then:
>     #     2.1. claim it
>     #     2.2. complete it with result SKIPPED
> This can explain that the more you have, and the more it skips.
> You may want to force collapseRequests=False in your triggered builder
> configuration.
> Le ven. 15 avr. 2016 à 13:16, Ed Singleton <singletoned at gmail.com> a
> écrit :
>> On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 8:19 PM, Pierre Tardy <tardyp at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I would suggest to upgrade to beta8
>> I have done, and I still have the same problem.
>> If the problem persists, I would suggest to create a trac, and append the
>>> result of the rest api like
>>> /api/v2/buildrequests?limit=50
>>> This will tell the list of pending buildrequests, to see if there are
>>> claimed or not.
>>> We can then have the evidence if the problem comes in the buildrequest
>>> distributor, or in the build subsystem.
>> Unfortunately I can't register with Trac at the moment as it appears our
>> IP is on a blacklist :-(   I'll do that from home over the weekend.
>> Another thing I've noticed about the problem is that it is intermittent.
>> Forcing a build that triggers 6 others, with 12 workers (all idle), between
>> 3 and 6 of them will actually get built.  If I immediately cancel it, and
>> force it again, within a couple of goes one will work with all 6.
>> I've waited over 30 minutes and they never appear.
>> I've attached the results of the api call (I reverse sorted them so that
>> the latest ones were selected).  The last 6 (480-485) were done together,
>> and 5 worked and 1 didn't.
>> This afternoon, I'll try to create a minimal failing example that I can
>> share.
>> Ed
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