[users at bb.net] Adding dependences

Carlos Eduardo Sotelo Pinto carlos.sotelo.pinto at gmail.com
Sun Dec 27 08:09:23 UTC 2015

2015-12-20 17:18 GMT-05:00 Carlos Eduardo Sotelo Pinto <
carlos.sotelo.pinto at gmail.com>:

> Dear coders
> I am working on developing tryton modules and checking the way on doing ci
> using buildbot. As I am working on modules development, no core, is need on
> my side having a preparing the stage server, something like
> wget http://..../tryton.tgz
> wget http://..../module-name.tgz
> ​and then, doing the git pull from my git server
> Question, how to add these dependences to my buildbot configuration master
> best regards​

Sorry for no been clear, let me explain

Since I have worked on before with jenkings, I am trying to find the way I
was working on before, I dont know if it is possible, I ma trying to learn
the buildbot working way in order on use just python tools

On jenkings I usually create tasks, which could have dependences between
them or not, for exmaple, I usually have this tasks

T1 One task o prepare enviremoment, upodate os, install depndences
T2 One task to get packages need no developed, could be wget or git or hg,
but it is jutst on the first time or start a new clear deployment
T3 One task to update modules and deploy
T4 One task for update database

I usually do this sequences on this tasks

T1 -> T2 -> T3 -> T4 => First deployment
T2 -> T3 -> T4 => Start a new clear deplyment
T3 -> T4 => Common daily deployment

Is it possible on buildbot? I as reading documentation however I didnt find
any like that, however I would like to implement something like this
sequence of tasks

I hope dont be disturber

THanks a lot​

> --
> Carlos Eduardo Sotelo Pinto
>     Senior Software Analyst Developer
>     Claro RPC +51983265994 | MOV RPM( # ) +51 966110066
>     GTalk: carlos.sotelo.pinto at gmail.com | Skype: csotelop
>     GNULinux RU #379182 | GNULinux RM #277661
> No availability between 08:30 and 18:00, I will answer as soon as posible
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Carlos Eduardo Sotelo Pinto
    Senior Software Analyst Developer
    Claro RPC +51983265994 | MOV RPM( # ) +51 966110066
    GTalk: carlos.sotelo.pinto at gmail.com | Skype: csotelop
    GNULinux RU #379182 | GNULinux RM #277661

No availability between 08:30 and 18:00, I will answer as soon as posible

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