[users at bb.net] Adding dependences

Carlos Eduardo Sotelo Pinto carlos.sotelo.pinto at gmail.com
Sun Dec 20 22:18:05 UTC 2015

Dear coders

I am working on developing tryton modules and checking the way on doing ci
using buildbot. As I am working on modules development, no core, is need on
my side having a preparing the stage server, something like

wget http://..../tryton.tgz
wget http://..../module-name.tgz

​and then, doing the git pull from my git server

Question, how to add these dependences to my buildbot configuration master

best regards​

Carlos Eduardo Sotelo Pinto
    Senior Software Analyst Developer
    Claro RPC +51983265994 | MOV RPM( # ) +51 966110066
    GTalk: carlos.sotelo.pinto at gmail.com | Skype: csotelop
    GNULinux RU #379182 | GNULinux RM #277661

No availability between 08:30 and 18:00, I will answer as soon as posible

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