[devel at bb.net] ticket 2887 & 3270

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at v.igoro.us
Sat Apr 2 14:25:05 UTC 2016

Bug 2887 is a Buildbot feature -- take the existing github changesource and
add make it more flexible, able to respond to more than just pull
requests.  Have a look at the github web hooks documentation for the other
kinds of events.

Bug 3270 is about using Buildbot to test its own pull requests, rather than
Travis-CI (and now Appveyor and Circle and Codecov and Mentionbot and all
the rest).  This requires some additional features in Buildbot.  Just off
the top of my head, that means some kind of security model (so we're not
building arbitrary code from anyone on github) and a reporter that posts
build results to a Github PR, similar to how Travis, etc. do.


On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 9:38 PM, Edmund Wong <ewongbb at pw-wspx.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Regarding the two tickets, I'm wondering how it should be
> done.
> Firstly, we need the hooks in place on github (I think this
> should be the easiest part).
> Next, the buildbot master has to have some listening service
> that gathers the posts from github's hooks and act accordingly.
> that's the most basic concept I have.
> Yet, wouldn't it be scalable if we just have github's hooks
> point to a messaging service and have whatever masters consume
> whatever messages they want?  Then all we need to do is to
> react according to the messages consumed. i.e. pull-request
> triggers the builds, etc.
> Have I understood this problem correctly?  I realize ticket
> 2887 has mentions of Bors and Homu (but I don't quite
> grok what they do).
> thanks
> Edmund
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