[Buildbot-devel] Problem with buildbot configuration for building debian packages

Francesco Di Mizio francescodimizio at gmail.com
Fri Jul 3 01:13:53 UTC 2015

To me it seems tar is falining to find the file -  are you running them
from the right directory?

if you run the same command from the dir below you should get the same
errors you are getting from Buildbot


On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 2:30 AM, <joguerrero at cnti.gob.ve> wrote:

> Hello everyone, my name is Francisco and I am new here =)
> I'm setting a buildbot for building debian packages from a git
> repository.
> So far I have configured the master and everything seems fine until I
> reach the steps for doing the real build. I build the packages by hand
> using this "recipe":
> # export this variables to get the package name and its version
> export PKGNAME=$(dpkg-parsechangelog | grep-dctrl -esSource . | awk -F'
> ' '{print $2}')
> export VERSION=$(dpkg-parsechangelog | grep-dctrl -esVersion . | awk -F'
> ' '{print $2}' | sed 's/-.*//g')
> # then i create the tar.gz using the variables above
> tar --anchored --exclude-vcs --exclude "./debian" -cvzf ../$(echo
> $PKGNAME"_"$VERSION).orig.tar.gz --directory=$(pwd) ./
> # and finally build the package
> gbp buildpackage -tc --git-tag --git-retag -uc -us
> Then I tried to "translate" the recipe to the steps in the configuration
> file of the master, like this:
> ...
> f.addStep(SetPropertyFromCommand(command = "dpkg-parsechangelog |
> grep-dctrl -esSource . | awk -F' ' '{print $2}'", property =
> 'packagename'))
> f.addStep(SetPropertyFromCommand(command = "dpkg-parsechangelog |
> grep-dctrl -esVersion . | awk -F' ' '{print $2}' | sed 's/-.*//g'",
> property = 'origver'))
> f.addStep(ShellCommand(command = WithProperties("tar --anchored
> --exclude-vcs --exclude './debian' -cvzf
> ../%(packagename)s_%(origver)s.orig.tar.gz --directory=$(pwd) ./")))
> ...
> the last step (generate the tar.gz) fails and it's the main reason why
> i'm stucked with this. I tried with this variants:
> #f.addStep(ShellCommand(command = ['tar', '--anchored', '--exclude-vcs',
> '--exclude', "'./debian'", "-cvzf",
> # WithProperties("../%(packagename)s_%(origver)s.orig.tar.gz"),
> '--directory=$(pwd)', './"']))
> #f.addStep(ShellCommand(command = ['gbp', 'buildpackage', '-us', '-uc',
> '-tc', '--git-tag', '--git-retag'], workdir='build/'+package,
> env={'DIST': 'jessie', 'ARCH': a}))
> but none of them worked for me. You can see the traceback here:
> I used 'SetPropertyFromCommand' because I thought it could be a
> convenient way to capture and store the name and version variables for
> later use with the 'WithProperties' method, but now I think something is
> failing there. I am not sure if the variables are actually being stored.
> Is there a way to verify this?
> Maybe there are more things that I am doing wrong?
> I hope you could give me some insights about the correct configuration
> of buildbot for the tasks mentioned or point me in the right direction
> to get this working.
> The full configuration file can be seen here:
> https://gist.github.com/joseguerrero/f93ed54c2d999b6785e3
> Regards!
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