[Buildbot-devel] Killing running build automatically

Mikhail Sobolev mss at mawhrin.net
Wed Jan 7 15:59:18 UTC 2015

On Wed, Jan 07, 2015 at 03:54:31PM +0000, Pierre Tardy wrote:
> I think you idea of cancelling the current builds and buildrequests for
> parent changes is a good idea, but this is something that has to be
> implemented.
Looks like it.

> Note that this will also have the drawback of cancelling
> actual work done, and reducing the traceability of which change is
> responsible for a build failure.

> > Sometimes, someone makes a
> > modification and updates their change. What I'd like to do is stop any
> > buildbot that is processing the old change.

In this scenario, if I understand correctly, there's no loss of traceability: a
new patches for the same change has arrived so the old one is not relevant any


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