[Buildbot-devel] Can't get a slave to pick up more than one request at time

Jim Rowan jmr at computing.com
Thu Feb 26 14:57:16 UTC 2015

That’s what we do as well.   It seems like a hack, but it’s effective, at least.    In doing so, you may want to pay some attention to ensuring that the build factory being run doesn’t actually *do* a lot of work itself — because it doesn’t own the machine in the same way that a “normal” one would.

On Feb 26, 2015, at 2:09 AM, Vasily <vasslitvinov at pisem.net> wrote:

> Hi!
> I've stumbled upon the same thing some years ago, and ended having several slaves (having different names) running on the same box. This is effectively parallelizing the tasks.
> Thanks, 
> Vasily
> 25 февр. 2015 г. 13:01 пользователь "Francesco Di Mizio" <francescodimizio at gmail.com> написал:
> after thinking about this for a  while I am sure I was misunderstanding that max_count. It dictates how many builds can be running at the same time from different builders. The fact that builddir has by default the builder name in it kinda makes sense. If a slave allowed multiple builds from the builder they would end up clashing. 
> Thing is: for builders that dont actually do any real work but just orchestrate the kicking of other builders this should be made possible I think. 
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 7:54 PM, Francesco Di Mizio <francescodimizio at gmail.com> wrote:
> One more thing:  builders seem to only be able to have 1 pending request. The following ones just go lost.
> Following is my 10 line config.
> c['slaves'] = [		buildslave.BuildSlave("win_code_1", "pass")	]
> c['protocols'] = {'pb': {'port': 9989}}
> c['change_source'] = []
> try_fake = schedulers.ForceScheduler(
> 						name="fake_scheduler",
> 						builderNames=["fake_builder"],
> 						buttonName = "Kick",
> )
> c['schedulers'] = []
> c['schedulers'].append(try_fake)
> factory = util.BuildFactory()
> factory.addStep(steps.ShellCommand(
> 								name = 'test',
> 								command=['python', 'c:\\slaves\\test.py']))
> c['builders'] = []
> c['builders'].append(
> 		util.BuilderConfig(name="fake_builder",
> 		  slavenames=['win_code_1'],
> 		  factory=factory)
> 	)
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 6:58 PM, Francesco Di Mizio <francescodimizio at gmail.com> wrote:
> A few days ago I was exactly in the opposite situation: I did NOT want to have a slave pick up more than one request. I ended up findin max_builds param that can be passed to BuildSlave. Setting it to 1 worked well.
> Now it seems no matter what value i set it to, only one request at time gets processed. BuildRequests get added, i can see it from the logs (as the UI bugout and only shows one build being que'ed up).
> I must be doing something stupidly dumb,  any idea where I can look at?
> Cheers,
>  Francesco
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