[Buildbot-devel] Can't get a slave to pick up more than one request at time

Vasily vasslitvinov at pisem.net
Thu Feb 26 08:09:14 UTC 2015


I've stumbled upon the same thing some years ago, and ended having several
slaves (having different names) running on the same box. This is
effectively parallelizing the tasks.

25 февр. 2015 г. 13:01 пользователь "Francesco Di Mizio" <
francescodimizio at gmail.com> написал:

> after thinking about this for a  while I am sure I was misunderstanding
> that max_count. It dictates how many builds can be running at the same time
> from different builders. The fact that builddir has by default the builder
> name in it kinda makes sense. If a slave allowed multiple builds from the
> builder they would end up clashing.
> Thing is: for builders that dont actually do any real work but just
> orchestrate the kicking of other builders this should be made possible I
> think.
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 7:54 PM, Francesco Di Mizio <
> francescodimizio at gmail.com> wrote:
>> One more thing:  builders seem to only be able to have 1 pending request.
>> The following ones just go lost.
>> Following is my 10 line config.
>> c['slaves'] = [ buildslave.BuildSlave("win_code_1", "pass") ]
>> c['protocols'] = {'pb': {'port': 9989}}
>> c['change_source'] = []
>> try_fake = schedulers.ForceScheduler(
>> name="fake_scheduler",
>> builderNames=["fake_builder"],
>> buttonName = "Kick",
>> )
>> c['schedulers'] = []
>> c['schedulers'].append(try_fake)
>> factory = util.BuildFactory()
>> factory.addStep(steps.ShellCommand(
>> name = 'test',
>> command=['python', 'c:\\slaves\\test.py']))
>> c['builders'] = []
>> c['builders'].append(
>> util.BuilderConfig(name="fake_builder",
>>   slavenames=['win_code_1'],
>>   factory=factory)
>> )
>> On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 6:58 PM, Francesco Di Mizio <
>> francescodimizio at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> A few days ago I was exactly in the opposite situation: I did NOT want
>>> to have a slave pick up more than one request. I ended up findin max_builds
>>> param that can be passed to BuildSlave. Setting it to 1 worked well.
>>> Now it seems no matter what value i set it to, only one request at time
>>> gets processed. BuildRequests get added, i can see it from the logs (as the
>>> UI bugout and only shows one build being que'ed up).
>>> I must be doing something stupidly dumb,  any idea where I can look at?
>>> Cheers,
>>>  Francesco
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