[Buildbot-devel] Strange Properties beheavior

Francesco Di Mizio francescodimizio at gmail.com
Fri Apr 24 08:56:05 UTC 2015

Example custom step.


Those two properties are actually set by the same SetPropertyFromCommand
while prop:p4client is passed in correctly, prop:ws_root is not somehow
despite it can be seen on the webpage.

If I print the value received by the custom step from inside the step with

log.msg('p4client_root %s' %self.p4client_root)

here's what I get:

p4client_root Interpolate('%(prop:ws_root)s')

So basically the interpolation is not happening, just string replacement.

If I use util.Property('ws_root') instead of Interpolate:
 p4client_root=Property('ws_root') from the logging line I get

p4client_root <buildbot.process.properties.Property object at 0x4737f10>

Those two properties are actually set by the same
SetPropertyFromCommand  step.

Any idea?
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