[Buildbot-devel] console and waterfall views for Nine

András Tóth andras.toth93 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 19:59:32 UTC 2014

Hi everyone!

Please take a look at the current state of the console and waterfall views:
http://nine.buildbot.buildbot.net/ !
I have created a google docs about what I have done so far, tell me
your thoughts by commenting in the document:


2014-06-28 12:06 GMT+02:00 András Tóth <andras.toth93 at gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> the console view for desktop is close to be ready to use.
> Here is a demo how it works: http://buildbot-demo.herokuapp.com/#/console
> (The heroku app gets the data from the metabuildbot:
> http://nine.buildbot.buildbot.net, so it takes a few minutes to load the
> data.)
> The source code: https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot/pull/1168
> I welcome your remark and advices!
> Andras
> 2014-04-25 22:40 GMT+02:00 Jared Grubb <jared.grubb at gmail.com>:
>> On Apr 25, 2014, at 11:04, Kevin Funk <kevin.funk at kdab.com> wrote:
>> On Friday 25 April 2014 09:52:37 Jared Grubb wrote:
>> Welcome to the project András!
>> I'm excited for both our GSoC projects this year, and you certainly have a
>> cool one!
>> The waterfall view is a popular part of buildbot (to Dustin's dismay :)
>> and
>> updating it for nine is going to be a fun project I think. My personal
>> wishlist for the waterfall page (besides making sure we have one in nine,
>> which is the first step) is: * dynamically updating
>> * able to show parallel builds side-by-side (currently, if a builder has
>> two builds going at the same time, they get stacked, which is weird). This
>> could be tough if you have a lot of builds happening on one builder, but
>> would be interesting to address that issue. * More friendly views:
>>    * Show less information.
>>    * Less whitespace
>> I'd be curious to hear others on the last two. I feel like I spend way too
>> much time scrolling in the waterfall view. It is both too sparsely
>> populated (lots of whitespace between things) and at the same time way too
>> full of things (many builds all crammed together, with way too much text).
>> It seems that we could hide a lot of redundant information, and maybe
>> fudge
>> the time axis to let things be closer together. Maybe there's a "zoom out"
>> that lets you see things at a very high level with rollovers that let you
>> dive in when you find something interesting.
>> I dont know, that's my idea dump.
>> Jared
>> (snip)
>> I have one item on my wish-list here.
>> Please try to make use of categories on the waterfall page in Nine, in
>> some
>> way. E.g. by displaying a summary view of categories first, then the
>> actual
>> waterfall view when clicking on a specific category. That alone could fix
>> the
>> scrolling issue in multi-project setups.
>> Note: Our company currently has around >100 builders in >20 categories --
>> you
>> can imagine that this results in a huge waterfall view in case no category
>> filter is set. I find myself scrolling horizontally a lot.
>> Disclaimer: I hope you didn't get rid off the category attribute in Nine
>> :)
>> It's called "tags" now (because "category" was used on changes in a
>> completely unrelated way so we wanted two terms), and you can apply
>> mulitple of them to a builder.
>> The filter may not be there just yet (?) but that's definitely the intent.
>> Greets
>> --
>> Kevin Funk | kevin.funk at kdab.com | Software Engineer
>> KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH&Co KG, a KDAB Group company
>> Tel. Germany +49-30-521325470, Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090
>> KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-independent software solutions
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