[Buildbot-devel] Buildbot 0.8.9 status

John Carr johnmdcarr at me.com
Fri Apr 25 08:57:22 UTC 2014

Spurred on by Dustin’s e-mail I thought it time to open the curtains a bit on the 0.8.9 release process.

There isn’t currently a strict ETA for the 0.8.9 release. I’m “driving” it, with a fair bit of mentoring from dustin. We have a few tickets to look at and i’m going to run the release branch on my installation for a bit and see if i hit any problems. So it shouldn’t be too long!

The release branch has been made and is available here:


This is effectively ‘feature freeze’ for 0.8.9, only bug fixes and release notes updates now. If you have a test buildbot that runs from a git checkout of buildbot now would be a good time to test updating - but make sure you have a rollback plan. I wouldn’t update your production buildbot just yet, though! We’ll be producing release candidate tarballs after a bit of testing and after polishing off a few last bugs.

The best way to see the release notes as they stand is currently via this link:


There is some impressive stuff in there. It’s a much bigger release than I was expecting.

The list of tickets in the buildbot 0.8.9 milestone is here:


Unfortunately i’m having a hard time convincing trac to let me update tickets. But i’ll be closing a few as fixed and marking 4 or 5 release blockers as soon as i’m able.

If you have bugs which you think are 0.8.9 blockers or if you can help us get patches for the bugs in the 0.8.9 milestone please get in touch :-).


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