[Buildbot-devel] question about timeout between master and slave
Mark Berger
mark.berger.j at gmail.com
Tue Sep 17 13:45:34 UTC 2013
Hi Stefan,
If there is no output for more than 20 minutes, by default the process will
be killed so I believe that is your problem. You could solve it by printing
'hello world' every 5 or 10 minutes or you could increase the
ShellCommand's timeout parameter to something larger than 1200 seconds. You
could also disable timeout by supplying None.
Here is the documentation on the ShellCommand. If you scroll down a bit,
there is documentation on the timeout parameter:
I hope this helps!
- Mark Berger
On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 6:08 AM, Stefan Schlauch <
stefan.schlauch at hella-gutmann.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question about the timeout function between master and slave. If
> i understand the documentation right, the standard-timeout is 20 minutes
> and the master will kill the step when the slave isn't answering within
> this time?
> Since nearly two weeks I have a problem with a buildstep I can't really
> solve. There is a step which is executing many exe-files (selfmade from the
> coder-team) for doing different tasks and build data for the software.
> There was an update for one "data-builder" (exe-file) and since this time
> the step is always getting a timeout.
> If I execute the "data-builder" on the command shell of the buildslave, I
> can see that some outputs take a very long time (some more then 20
> minutes). Is this reason why the master is getting a timeout? Is the master
> "listening" on the standard output? Can we solve this timeout problem if we
> build in a "hello world" every 5 or 10 minutes, so the command shell is
> throwing out an output?
> Thanks and regards
> Stefan Schlauch
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