[Buildbot-devel] [ANN] Buildbot-0.8.6 released

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at v.igoro.us
Sun Mar 11 21:11:44 UTC 2012

Buildbot-0.8.6 and Buildbot-slave-0.8.6 are now available from the
usual sources:


The 0.8.6 release of Buildbot is largely a rollup of contributed
improvements, including a new ForceScheduler to allow much flexible
configuration of forced builds.  This release also contains changes to
the web UI, IRC, MailNotifier, properties, web hooks, and a number of
bug fixes.

Thanks are due to all of the contributors to this version, but
particularly to Tom Prince for his code, patch review, support for
users, and in-depth technical discussions; and to Harry Borkhuis for
his ongoing and patient work on the multirepo project.

File checksums are as follows.  This buildbot release is signed by my
GPG public key (7F0D15B1) (available from keyservers), and the
signatures are available for download at the Google Code site.

8ee0a65eebd913e5fe2b71bcc98ada2d  master/dist/buildbot-0.8.6.tar.gz
7346d418bc4f6b9870ca3739e13c3cb8  slave/dist/buildbot-slave-0.8.6.tar.gz
ef4b157d293f4aebd610b520b215ab98  master/dist/buildbot-0.8.6.zip
2e372222ad0b76b1dfac5641f4999de6  slave/dist/buildbot-slave-0.8.6.zip

The diffstat against 0.8.5 is:
 341 files changed, 19572 insertions(+), 9762 deletions(-)
(which is about 20% of the churn in the last release)

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