[Buildbot-devel] Jabber/XMPP MUC status reporting for desperadoes

Saj Goonatilleke sg at redu.cx
Tue Oct 11 10:08:37 UTC 2011

Hi all,

I recently found myself in the unfortunate position of having to push 
build results from BuildBot into a Jabber chat room.  Taking a squiz 
over bug #75 [1] and the current state of status/words.py, it began to 
look as if this particular itch had not been scratched yet.

Attached is my quick, but mostly functional, patch to BuildBot 0.8.4p2 
for basic MUC reporting support.  You will need Wokkel [2] installed on 
your build master.  I have only tested this client code with ejabberd.  
This Jabber bot should accept most of the existing IRC commands, 
although it is worth noting that you cannot message the bot directly.  
(It was enough for ours to announce to a room.)

master.cfg configuration looks like this:

    from buildbot.status import wokkel
    jabber_status = wokkel.Jabber(
        jid='buildbot at your.jabber.server.net/robo',
                'muc': 'robotroom at your.jabber.server.net',
                'nick': 'Bob the BuildBot',
            'exception': 1,
            'successToFailure': 1,
            'failureToSuccess': 1,

This marks the first occasion I have used Twisted (and BuildBot, for 
that matter).  I don't expect my patch will be up to the maintainers' 
standards.  Even so, it may be some time before a Special Someone can 
get around to expanding on words.py.  This post is for any Jabber users 
who might benefit from a quick fix in the interim.

The patch on GitHub:



1: http://trac.buildbot.net/ticket/75
2: http://wokkel.ik.nu/

---------------------------------- 8< ----------------------------------
diff --git a/master/buildbot/status/wokkel.py b/master/buildbot/status/wokkel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab5c671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/master/buildbot/status/wokkel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# Deliver build status to a Jabber MUC (multi-user chat room).
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+# Twisted Words 11.0 lacks high-level support for XMPP.  For that, we 
+# use Wokkel.  This module should eventually be merged into words.py 
+# when Twisted Words integrates the features we need from Wokkel.
+from wokkel.client import XMPPClient
+from wokkel.muc import MUCClient
+from wokkel.ping import PingHandler
+# We can reuse words.py's concept of `broadcast contacts' in XMPP.  A 
+# channel in IRC is a MUC in XMPP.
+from buildbot.status.words import Contact, IChannel, UsageError
+from buildbot import interfaces
+from buildbot.interfaces import IStatusReceiver
+from buildbot.status.base import StatusReceiver
+from twisted.python import log, failure
+from twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jid import JID
+from zope.interface import implements
+def avoid_shlex_split_because_xmpp_is_all_unicode(s):
+    return s.split()
+from buildbot.status import words
+words.shlex.split = avoid_shlex_split_because_xmpp_is_all_unicode
+class JabberMucContact(Contact):
+    implements(IStatusReceiver)
+    def __init__(self, channel, jid):
+        Contact.__init__(self, channel)
+        self.roomJID = jid
+    def act(self, action):
+        self.send("/me %s" % action)
+    def handleMessage(self, message, who):
+        message = message.lstrip()
+        if self.silly.has_key(message):
+            return self.doSilly(message)
+        parts = message.split(None, 1)
+        if len(parts) == 1:
+            parts = parts + [u'']
+        cmd, args = parts
+        meth = self.getCommandMethod(cmd)
+        if not meth and message[-1] == '!':
+            meth = self.command_EXCITED
+        error = None
+        try:
+            if meth:
+                meth(args.strip(), who)
+        except UsageError, e:
+            self.send(str(e))
+        except:
+            f = failure.Failure()
+            log.err(f)
+            error = "Something bad happened (see logs): %s" % f.type
+        if error:
+            try:
+                self.send(error)
+            except:
+                log.err()
+        self.channel.counter += 1
+    def send(self, message):
+        if not self.muted:
+            self.channel.groupChat(self.roomJID, message)
+class JabberStatusBot(MUCClient):
+    implements(IChannel)
+    def __init__(self, mucs, categories, notify_events,
+      showBlameList=False):
+        MUCClient.__init__(self)
+        self.mucs = mucs
+        self.categories = categories
+        self.notify_events = notify_events
+        self.showBlameList = showBlameList
+        self.contacts = {}
+        self.counter = 0
+    def addContact(self, jid, contact):
+        self.contacts[jid] = contact
+    def connectionInitialized(self):
+        MUCClient.connectionInitialized(self)
+        for m in self.mucs:
+            (muc, nick) = (m['muc'], m['nick'])
+            self.join(JID(muc), nick)
+    def deleteContact(self, jid):
+        del self.contacts[jid]
+    def getContact(self, jid):
+        if jid in self.contacts:
+            return self.contacts[jid]
+        new_contact = JabberMucContact(self, jid)
+        self.contacts[jid] = new_contact
+        return new_contact
+    def join(self, roomJID, nick, historyOptions=None, password=None):
+        def new_contact_on_join(room):
+            self.getContact(room.roomJID)
+            return room
+        d = MUCClient.join(self, roomJID, nick, historyOptions,
+          password)
+        d.addCallback(new_contact_on_join)
+    def receivedGroupChat(self, room, user, message):
+        try:
+            # Ignore our own messages sent to the MUC.  'tis a bit silly 
+            # that we can fire our own received message handler...
+            if user.nick == room.nick:
+                return
+        except AttributeError:
+            return # Some kind of status message.  Ignore this, too.
+        contact = self.getContact(room.roomJID)
+        body = message.body
+        if body.startswith("/me"):
+            contact.handleAction(body, user.nick)
+        if body.startswith("%s:" % room.nick) or \
+          body.startswith("%s," % room.nick):
+            body = body[len("%s:" % room.nick):]
+            contact.handleMessage(body, user.nick)
+class Jabber(StatusReceiver, XMPPClient):
+    implements(IStatusReceiver)
+    debug = False
+    compare_attrs = ['host', 'jid', 'password', 'mucs', 'port',
+      'allowForce', 'categories', 'notify_events', 'showBlameList']
+    def __init__(self, host, jid, password, mucs, port=5222,
+      allowForce=False, categories=None, notify_events={},
+      showBlameList=True):
+        assert allowForce in (True, False)
+        # Stash these so we can detect changes later.
+        self.password = password
+        self.mucs = mucs
+        self.allowForce = allowForce
+        self.categories = categories
+        self.notify_events = notify_events
+        self.showBlameList = showBlameList
+        if not isinstance(jid, JID):
+            jid = JID(str(jid))
+        XMPPClient.__init__(self, jid, self.password, host, port)
+        self.logTraffic = self.debug
+        ping_handler = PingHandler()
+        self.addHandler(ping_handler)
+        ping_handler.setHandlerParent(self)
+        muc_handler = JabberStatusBot(self.mucs, self.categories,
+          self.notify_events, self.showBlameList)
+        self.addHandler(muc_handler)
+        muc_handler.setHandlerParent(self)
+        self.channel = muc_handler
+    def setServiceParent(self, parent):
+        self.channel.status = parent.getStatus()
+        self.channel.status.master = self.channel.status.master
+        if self.allowForce:
+            self.channel.control = interfaces.IControl(parent)
+        XMPPClient.setServiceParent(self, parent)
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