[Buildbot-devel] Documentation inconsistency in Git Source Checkout?

Jonathan Martens jonathan at snetram.nl
Tue Aug 2 05:23:27 UTC 2011

On 2-8-2011 6:57, Pradeepkumar Gayam wrote:
>  From this traceback I see that you are using old source checkout. The
> documentation you should be looking at is
> http://buildbot.net/buildbot/docs/latest/Source-Checkout-_0028Old_0029.html#Source-Checkout-_0028Old_0029

AFAIK I am using the latest released code:

 >>> import buildbot
 >>> buildbot.version

So can you telle me why I should be looking at the old style Source 
Checkout instead of the new one? I expect the latest release to use the 
new style and not the old style or am I wrong here?

Kind regards,


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