[Buildbot-devel] Buildbot Summit Details

Dustin J. Mitchell dustin at v.igoro.us
Tue Nov 23 18:12:26 UTC 2010

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Marc-Antoine Ruel <maruel at chromium.org> wrote:
> Write great code = self promotion. I'm not sure we should waste time on that
> too much unless someone wants to "own" that.

That's always the bottom line, but when do I grant commit rights?
It's not necessarily a complex subject, but I'd like to have a stated
policy that I can follow to avoid ambiguity.

> In the past I've been working to have a Chromium GSoC instead, without much
> luck though. Buildbot isn't a really sexy project (let alone printing
> support in Chromium, eh). I've never seen anyone act as a buildbot GSoC
> mentor, that's a shame. You'd get as much for mentoring as the prize in the
> ad below! :D

I've not really heard anything positive about GSoC from anyone.  I'd
be happy to do the mentoring - it's just a matter of deciding it's
something we want to do, and applying.

> * Out of process status serving
>   - statusdb
>   - statuspush

Particularly as it relates to the medium-term development plan, yes -
this is an important part of the meeting.

> * Reduce work overhead?
>   - It's more a question to Dustin, probably not worth discussing there,
> about how much time managing the server takes you.

I can answer that right off -- not too much, but I haven't been doing
a great job as last week's downtime can attest.


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