[Buildbot-devel] Is there a build-god? Or any aggregated view for multiple build masters?

Marc-Antoine Ruel maruel at google.com
Sun Nov 7 20:20:43 UTC 2010

Quick note to say both CROS and JSONP are implemented on StatusJson.

Le 7 nov. 2010 14:04, "Marcus Lindblom" <macke at yar.nu> a écrit :
> On 2010-11-07 16:17, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:
>> On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 6:04 AM, Marcus Lindblom<macke at yar.nu> wrote:
>>> I believe that's the new plan. I'm a bit sad to see my jinja setup go
>>> away, but OTOH a client-side html app is pretty neat too. :)
>> Sorry about that - it's served us well and is a vast improvement over
>> the previous implementation!
> Thanks. :) It should at least be easier to write the javascript client,
> now that the HTML is more explicit.
> I had actually planned to, someday, rewrite the jinja-webstatus to use
> the internal JSON-functions instead.
>>> OT: I'd heartily recommend jQuery as a javascript lib.
>> Duly noted. Do you know any licensing details that might make that
> Nah. Almost everyone uses it, and it's dual licensed under you MIT and
GPL2, so we should be ok.
> --
> /Marcus
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