[Buildbot-devel] Is there a build-god? Or any aggregated view for multiple build masters?

Marcus Lindblom macke at yar.nu
Sun Nov 7 18:38:31 UTC 2010

  On 2010-11-07 16:17, Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 6:04 AM, Marcus Lindblom<macke at yar.nu>  wrote:
>> I believe that's the new plan. I'm a bit sad to see my jinja setup go
>> away, but OTOH a client-side html app is pretty neat too. :)
> Sorry about that - it's served us well and is a vast improvement over
> the previous implementation!
Thanks. :) It should at least be easier to write the javascript client, 
now that the HTML is more explicit.

I had actually planned to, someday, rewrite the jinja-webstatus to use 
the internal JSON-functions instead.
>> OT: I'd heartily recommend jQuery as a javascript lib.
> Duly noted.  Do you know any licensing details that might make that difficult?

Nah. Almost everyone uses it, and it's dual licensed under you MIT and GPL2, so we should be ok.



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