[Buildbot-devel] scheduler ignoring the branch

Ravindra Parihar imravin at gmail.com
Mon Mar 8 10:16:08 UTC 2010

Hi All,

I am configuring Buildbot with type "scheduler" Scheduler.
My set up is ubuntu/edgy my master and slave on the same host (using
different accounts). I've got them setup so a forced build works, but when I
try to get buildbot to initiate a build triggerred by an p4 checking I'm
having problems.

Here is the relevant part of the master.cfg file:

c['change_source'] = p4poller.P4Source(p4port="",
p4user="buildmaster", p4base="//depot/npgw/main/", p4passwd="bmasterb",
p4bin='/usr/local/bin/p4',split_file=lambda branchfile:
branchfile.split('/',1), pollinterval=10, )

from buildbot.scheduler import Scheduler,Periodic
from buildbot.steps.source import P4

scheduler1 = Scheduler(name="Time",
c['schedulers'] = [scheduler1]

But while check in the file in p4 repository the scheduler is simply
ignoring the branch. I have also tried the same with branch="trunk" but the
result is same.
[-] <Scheduler 'Time' at 138353228> ignoring off-branch
<buildbot.changes.changes.Change instance at 0xda5694c>

please suggest any point to resolve this problem.

Thanks in advance,
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