[Buildbot-devel] _pendingLogObservers

Benoît Allard benoit at aeteurope.nl
Mon Jul 26 08:20:04 UTC 2010

John Wieland wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using Buildbot 0.8.0 and have followed the example in the most 
> recent version of the documentation about writing custom build steps to 
> create a BuildStep similar to the Framboozle build step. Here is my code:
> import re
> from buildbot.steps import shell
> from buildbot.process.buildstep import LogLineObserver
> class R_TestParser(LogLineObserver):
>     total_tests = 0
>     pass_tests = 0
>     fail_tests = 0
>     skip_tests = 0
>     current_test = ""
>     def __init__(self)
>         LogLineObserver.__init__(self)
>     def outLineReceived(self, line):
>         if "TEST_EXE:BEGIN" in line:
>             # Get the test name
>             re.search('TEST_EXE:BEGIN:(.*)--#', line)
>             current_test = re.group(0)
>             self.numTests += 1
>             self.step.setProgress('tests', self.numTests)
>         elif "TEST:SUCCESS" in line:
>             pass_tests += 1
>             print "Pass tests" + pass_tests
>         elif "TEST:FAIL" in line:
>             fail_tests += 1
>         elif "TEST:SKIP" in line:
>             skip_tests += 1
>         elif "TEST_EXE:END" in line:
>             self.numTests += 1
> class R_TestStep(shell.ShellCommand):
>     command = ['sh', 'buildrmt.sh']
>     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
>         ShellCommand.__init__(self, **kwargs)
>         observer = R_TestParser()
>         self.addLogObserver('stdio', observer)
>         self.progressMetrics += ('tests',)
> When attempting to reconfigure the build master I get the following:
>           File 
> "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/buildbot/process/buildstep.py", 
> line 939, in addLogObserver
>             self._pendingLogObservers.append((logname, observer))
>         exceptions.AttributeError: R_TestStep instance has no attribute 
> '_pendi
> ngLogObservers'
> 2010-07-24 08:53:49+1000 [-] The new config file is unusable, so I'll 
> ignore it.

I guess you're doing all right, except that the __init__ method is not 
the place to add your logobserver, as at this time, (almost) nothing is 
ready yet.

What I can see from the source of the visualstudio steps [1] is that you 
should overwrite a method called "setupLogfiles" to setup your logobserver.

Hope this helps.


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