[Buildbot-devel] Template system for HTML views (#342 and 1.0)

Jean-Paul Calderone exarkun at divmod.com
Fri May 8 12:19:15 UTC 2009

On Thu, 07 May 2009 22:31:30 +0200, Marcus Lindblom <macke at yar.nu> wrote:
>Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:
>> On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 7:09 AM, Marcus Lindblom <macke at yar.nu> wrote:
>>> It'd be nice to use a proper HTML template system, rather than manually
>>> concatenating pieces of text. (This has problems, like
>>> http://buildbot.net/trac/ticket/342).
>>> Also, for 1.0, it'd be good to build all the HTML from scratch using
>>> something nice that is easily customizable/extendable.
>> I agree.  To take it a step further, at some point I think the
>> buildmaster is much more about web service than we've anticipated so
>> far.  It sure would be nice to adopt one of the existing Python web
>> frameworks.  The better those frameworks can support backend
>> operations (managing buildslaves), the better.  That's more of a 1.0
>> concern, I suppose.
>Yes. Still interesting though. I've seen people working on projects with
>Twistedd and Django for instance, to get both a nice web/db API as well
>as to do other (more interesting) stuff in the same app.
>Now Django doesn't know about Deferreds, so I don't know how that will
>work out in the end.
>Jinja works fine btw. I just rewrote the about page. (Hooray! ;-P)

Since I don't think anyone has mentioned Nevow so far, I'll just point out
that it's another option, and the strongest argument in its favor is likely
its native support of Deferreds.

That said, if 1.0 ends up using Axiom, then there may not actually be very
many Deferreds in the rendering pipeline, so this might not be a major


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