[Buildbot-devel] Template system for HTML views (#342 and 1.0)

Marcus Lindblom macke at yar.nu
Thu May 7 20:31:30 UTC 2009

Dustin J. Mitchell wrote:
> On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 7:09 AM, Marcus Lindblom <macke at yar.nu> wrote:
>> It'd be nice to use a proper HTML template system, rather than manually
>> concatenating pieces of text. (This has problems, like
>> http://buildbot.net/trac/ticket/342).
>> Also, for 1.0, it'd be good to build all the HTML from scratch using
>> something nice that is easily customizable/extendable.
> I agree.  To take it a step further, at some point I think the
> buildmaster is much more about web service than we've anticipated so
> far.  It sure would be nice to adopt one of the existing Python web
> frameworks.  The better those frameworks can support backend
> operations (managing buildslaves), the better.  That's more of a 1.0
> concern, I suppose.

Yes. Still interesting though. I've seen people working on projects with 
Twistedd and Django for instance, to get both a nice web/db API as well 
as to do other (more interesting) stuff in the same app.

Now Django doesn't know about Deferreds, so I don't know how that will 
work out in the end.

Jinja works fine btw. I just rewrote the about page. (Hooray! ;-P)


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