[Buildbot-devel] problems with SVNPoller and branches

Andrew Lawrence andrew at parascale.com
Tue Apr 28 01:11:54 UTC 2009

I have an existing buildbot configuration that I'm attempting to update to
watch multiple branches.  We're using Subversion for our source control, and
our source repository is laid out just like the first example in the
documentation for SVNPoller (project/branchname/filepath).  My old change
source and scheduler look like this:

c['change_source'] = SVNPoller(svnurl="svn+ssh://buildbot@<hostname

c['schedulers'].append(Scheduler(name="all", branch=None,

I'm trying to change from that to this:

c['change_source'] = SVNPoller(svnurl="svn+ssh://buildbot@<hostname
deleted>/data/svn/dev/sm40/", split_file=split_file_branches)

c['schedulers'].append(Scheduler(name="all", branch="trunk",
c['schedulers'].append(Scheduler(name="sp2", branch="branches/ga_sp2",

The old version was working.  When I try the new version, it sees source
checkins, but does not realize that they're part of the branches I'm
interested in ("trunk" and "branches/ga_sp2"), so no builds are started.  I
see this error in twistd.log:

2009-04-27 16:30:07-0700 [-] SVNPoller polling
2009-04-27 16:30:08-0700 [-] svnPoller: _process_changes 5020 .. 5022
2009-04-27 16:30:08-0700 [-] Adding change revision 5021
2009-04-27 16:30:08-0700 [-] Adding change revision 5022
2009-04-27 16:30:08-0700 [-] adding change, who andrew, 2 files, rev=5021,
branch=None, comments Checkin buildbot's SP2 test config files.

        , category None
2009-04-27 16:30:08-0700 [-] <Scheduler 'all' at -1214846420> ignoring
off-branch <buildbot.changes.changes.Change instance at 0x8958f2c>
2009-04-27 16:30:08-0700 [-] <Scheduler 'sp2' at -1214845940> ignoring
off-branch <buildbot.changes.changes.Change instance at 0x8958f2c>
2009-04-27 16:30:08-0700 [-] SVNPoller failed
2009-04-27 16:30:08-0700 [-] _finished : [Failure instance: Traceback:
exceptions.TypeError: int argument required




        --- <exception caught here> ---




Is there something I'm doing wrong in the configuration, or is this a bug?

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