[Buildbot-devel] Svnpoller with externals

Matisse Enzer menzer at apple.com
Thu May 29 15:43:19 UTC 2008

If a change is found in an external location then what revision number  
do you checkout from you main repository?

Sent from my iPhone

On May 29, 2008, at 6:59 AM, GD <gd at teamlog.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> In order to solve my externals problem, I wrote a new poller that  
> maintains
> a list of externals, for a given svn url. It also provides a method  
> that,
> given a file path, checks if it is located in one of the externals.
> Then I crated a scheduler that takes a change source object as  
> parameter,
> and forces the fileIsImportant to call its change source special  
> method to
> check if the change is relevant.
> The main drawback is that you have to declare a
> poller/scheduler/builder/factory for each location to scan, plus a  
> global
> location.
> For example,for the following directory layout:
> Code/module1.v1/<source files>
> Code/module1.v1.3/<source files>
> Code/module2.v1/<source files>
> Code/module2.v2/<source files>
> Int/release1/<externals to the relevant versions of modules, points to
> module1.v1.3 module2.v1>
> Int/release2/<externals to the relevant versions of modules, points to
> module1.v1.3 module2.v2>
> I have to declare a classical svnPoller that watches the / of my  
> svn, then a
> svnPollerExt/schedulerExt/builder/factory for each one of Int/ 
> release1 and
> Int/release2
> And maybe a scheduler/builder/factory for each directory under code/  
> if I
> have a mean of building those modules apart from each others.
> I'll try to write a hook equivalent to the externals polling, if  
> hooks are
> available, it might be better than simple polling.
> Regards,
> Guillaume
> ###########################################################
> ###########################################################
> class SVNPollerExt(SVNPoller):
>    """Instead of polling a svn repo for the file changes through svn  
> logs
>    this class polls for externals in a particular directory and
> maintains an internal list of externals (self.externals)
>    It also provides a method for separate changes in an external or
> not.
>    """
>    def __init__(self, rootpath, **kwargs):
>    self.externals = []
>    self.rootpath  = rootpath
>    SVNPoller.__init__(self, **kwargs)
>    # keep the svn loop when polling, there may be some non-externals  
> in the
> directory
>    def get_externals(self, ignored_prefix=None):
>    args = []
>    # set the svn command line
>    args.extend(["propget", "svn:externals", "--non-interactive", "% 
> s" %
> self.svnurl])
>        if self.svnuser:
>            args.extend(["--username=%s" % self.svnuser])
>        if self.svnpasswd:
>            args.extend(["--password=%s" % self.svnpasswd])
>        d = self.getProcessOutput(args)
>        return d
>    def parse_externals(self, output):
>    # parse the command line
>    # d should contain a string, in the form name<tab>path\n
>    # we only want to keep a list of short pathes, ie. path minus the
> svnurl
>    table_exts = output.splitlines()
>    # empty the current externals list:
>    self.externals[:] = []
>    for external_def in table_exts:
>        ext_name_path = external_def.split()
>        if len(ext_name_path) == 2:
>            ext_path = ext_name_path[1]
>            if ext_path.count(self.rootpath):
> self.externals.append(ext_path.replace(self.rootpath, "", 1))
>            else:
>                self.externals.append(ext_path)
>    return self.externals
>    def checksvn(self):
>        if self.working:
>            log.msg("SVNPoller(%s) overrun: timer fired but the  
> previous "
>                    "poll had not yet finished.")
>            self.overrun_counter += 1
>            return defer.succeed(None)
>        self.working = True
>        log.msg("SVNPoller polling")
>        if not self._prefix:
>            d = self.get_root()
>            d.addCallback(self.determine_prefix)
>        else:
>            d = defer.succeed(self._prefix)
>        d.addCallback(self.get_externals)
>        d.addCallback(self.parse_externals)
>        d.addCallbacks(self.finished_ok, self.finished_failure)
>        return d
>    def checkFileInExt(self, filepath):
>    # as we stored only short pathes from the root of the svn
>    # it doesn't matter if the change path is a full url or not
>    # Cautious though: sometimes, a change may be a false true
>    file = filepath.replace(self.rootpath, "", 1)
>    for external in self.externals:
>        if file.count(external):
>            return true
>    return false
> class ExtScheduler(Scheduler):
>    def __init__(self, associatedSource, **kwargs):
>        self.associatedSource = associatedSource
>        Scheduler.__init__(self, **kwargs)
>        self.fileIsImportant = self.checkExt
>    def checkExt(change):
>        result = false
>        for file in change.files:
>            temp_result =
> self.associatedSource.checkFileInExt(file)
>            result = result or temp_result
>        return result
> --- 
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