[Buildbot-devel] Svnpoller with externals
gd at teamlog.com
Thu May 29 13:59:41 UTC 2008
In order to solve my externals problem, I wrote a new poller that maintains
a list of externals, for a given svn url. It also provides a method that,
given a file path, checks if it is located in one of the externals.
Then I crated a scheduler that takes a change source object as parameter,
and forces the fileIsImportant to call its change source special method to
check if the change is relevant.
The main drawback is that you have to declare a
poller/scheduler/builder/factory for each location to scan, plus a global
For example,for the following directory layout:
Code/module1.v1/<source files>
Code/module1.v1.3/<source files>
Code/module2.v1/<source files>
Code/module2.v2/<source files>
Int/release1/<externals to the relevant versions of modules, points to
module1.v1.3 module2.v1>
Int/release2/<externals to the relevant versions of modules, points to
module1.v1.3 module2.v2>
I have to declare a classical svnPoller that watches the / of my svn, then a
svnPollerExt/schedulerExt/builder/factory for each one of Int/release1 and
And maybe a scheduler/builder/factory for each directory under code/ if I
have a mean of building those modules apart from each others.
I'll try to write a hook equivalent to the externals polling, if hooks are
available, it might be better than simple polling.
class SVNPollerExt(SVNPoller):
"""Instead of polling a svn repo for the file changes through svn logs
this class polls for externals in a particular directory and
maintains an internal list of externals (self.externals)
It also provides a method for separate changes in an external or
def __init__(self, rootpath, **kwargs):
self.externals = []
self.rootpath = rootpath
SVNPoller.__init__(self, **kwargs)
# keep the svn loop when polling, there may be some non-externals in the
def get_externals(self, ignored_prefix=None):
args = []
# set the svn command line
args.extend(["propget", "svn:externals", "--non-interactive", "%s" %
if self.svnuser:
args.extend(["--username=%s" % self.svnuser])
if self.svnpasswd:
args.extend(["--password=%s" % self.svnpasswd])
d = self.getProcessOutput(args)
return d
def parse_externals(self, output):
# parse the command line
# d should contain a string, in the form name<tab>path\n
# we only want to keep a list of short pathes, ie. path minus the
table_exts = output.splitlines()
# empty the current externals list:
self.externals[:] = []
for external_def in table_exts:
ext_name_path = external_def.split()
if len(ext_name_path) == 2:
ext_path = ext_name_path[1]
if ext_path.count(self.rootpath):
self.externals.append(ext_path.replace(self.rootpath, "", 1))
return self.externals
def checksvn(self):
if self.working:
log.msg("SVNPoller(%s) overrun: timer fired but the previous "
"poll had not yet finished.")
self.overrun_counter += 1
return defer.succeed(None)
self.working = True
log.msg("SVNPoller polling")
if not self._prefix:
d = self.get_root()
d = defer.succeed(self._prefix)
d.addCallbacks(self.finished_ok, self.finished_failure)
return d
def checkFileInExt(self, filepath):
# as we stored only short pathes from the root of the svn
# it doesn't matter if the change path is a full url or not
# Cautious though: sometimes, a change may be a false true
file = filepath.replace(self.rootpath, "", 1)
for external in self.externals:
if file.count(external):
return true
return false
class ExtScheduler(Scheduler):
def __init__(self, associatedSource, **kwargs):
self.associatedSource = associatedSource
Scheduler.__init__(self, **kwargs)
self.fileIsImportant = self.checkExt
def checkExt(change):
result = false
for file in change.files:
temp_result =
result = result or temp_result
return result
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