[Buildbot-devel] Using wildcards in a ShellCommand shell script

Dossy Shiobara dossy at panoptic.com
Tue Apr 8 15:29:34 UTC 2008

On 2008.04.08, J. Félix Ontañón <fontanon at emergya.es> wrote:
> But why that ShellCommand fails !!!
> class UploadDebSrc(ShellCommand):
>     command = ["ls", "../f*"]

If you want globbing, which is a feature of the shell, not of ls, you
may need to explicitly include the shell in the command, i.e.:

     command = ["sh", "-c", "ls ../f*"]

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara              | dossy at panoptic.com | http://dossy.org/
Panoptic Computer Network   | http://panoptic.com/
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
    folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

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