[Buildbot-devel] Java support

John Bäckstrand sandos at sandos.se
Wed Nov 14 14:15:02 UTC 2007

Isn't anyone using buildbot for compiling java and running junit via 
ant? I am wondering if somebody knows of previous work in this area, 
otherwise I might take a stab at implementing something that integrates 
more nicely for java builds. Specifically, compiler-errors and warnings 
in a summary-page would be cool, preferably linked to or with mouse-over 
tips with the full error/warning, and secondly understanding junit 
textual result output and summarising that in a similar way.

We used to use cruisecontrol which understood our build very well, but I 
found it a bit too complex in its configuration for my taste. And I 
really like the web-ui for buildbot.

John Bäckstrand

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