[Buildbot-devel] [experimental patch] SVN branch prefixes, sub-dir checkout

A.T.Hofkamp a.t.hofkamp at tue.nl
Mon May 14 13:09:02 UTC 2007

Hello all,

In our SVN checkout, I needed more flexibility for checking out branches than 
provided by the SVN step.
To solve this, I extended the SVN step with the following parameters:

@param branchPrefix: if branches are enabled (that is, C{baseURL} is
                      used), this parameter defines the prefix to use
                      for a branch (other than trunk). The prefix is
                      inserted between C{baseURL} and the name of the
                      branch and should probably end with a slash.

@param defaultPrefix: if branches are enabled (that is, C{baseURL} is
                       used), this parameter defines the prefix to use
                       for the C{defaultBranch}. The prefix is inserted
                       between C{baseURL} and the name of the branch
                       and should probably end with a slash.

@param subDir: if branches are enabled (that is, C{baseURL} is
                used), subdirectory to checkout/update within
                the repository. Appended after the SVN path computed
                with C{svnurl}, or C{baseURL} and friends. Should
                probably start with a slash.

The first parameter allows me to give a branch-name without directory slashes, 
and have the SVN step check out baseURL + branchPrefix + branch (where 
branchPrefix is the branch-part with slashes that I dont want to enter as 
branch name). The second parameter is the prefix for trunk (the default branch).

The last parameter allows for checking out a part of the repository only. The 
string is appended after the branch-name of the SVN path.

I attach the modified MySVN step (which you can include in the master.cfg 
file), as well as a diff file against 0.7.5.

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