[Buildbot-devel] properties in workdir, environment

A.T.Hofkamp a.t.hofkamp at tue.nl
Mon Jun 11 06:27:56 UTC 2007

Axel Hecht wrote:
> Did you mean to use new_key in the second line?
> +                new_key = self._interpolateProperties(key)
> +                new_dict[key] = self._interpolateProperties(val)

You are correct, it should have been 'new_key'.

> Other than that, I just glanced over the patch so far, but that's one
> thing I found. Any particular reason why you restricted the amount of
> legal input values? I would have just returned the value for anything
> not list, tuple, dict or WithProperties. Just guessing/asking.

I program defensively, which means I prefer to do explicit checking of all 
cases, and to have an assertion error on some case I didn't think of, rather 
than silently returning something by default.

I also used that tactic here, hence the strict checking and assertions.


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