[Buildbot-devel] WebStatus failing to display builder details (throws exception)

Carl Dionne cdionne at quazal.com
Thu Dec 13 17:50:52 UTC 2007

I have recently updated to buildbot 0.7.6, and I see two types of exceptions, on the web status, when displaying the details of a builder (clicking on the builder, in the waterfall display).
The details of two exceptions follows.  This is a serious issue for us as it makes it impossible to force a build (which we often need to do).  Has anyone else seen these problems and found a workaround?  Are these knows issues?  
One of these cases seem to be happening when the builder is running, but where it is blocked on a lock.  I see this exception:
/usr/python/lib/python2.4/site-packages/buildbot/status/web/builder.py, line 36 in build_line
34                   time.localtime(time.time() + when))
35      data += "ETA %ds (%s) " % (when, when_time)
36    data += "[%s]" % build.getCurrentStep().getName()
37    return data
build	 buildbot.status.builder.BuildStatus instance @ -0x59b12bf4 <buildbot.status.builder.BuildStatus instance at 0xa64ed40c>
data	 '<a href="qf-r14sp-win32/builds/548">#548</a> '	
when	 None	
time	 <module 'time' from '/usr/python/lib/python2.4/lib-dynload/time.so'>	
I also see another case where the exception is different.  I have seen this case sometimes when the builder is running, and sometimes when it is idle:
/usr/python/lib/python2.4/site-packages/buildbot/status/web/builder.py, line 71 in body
69    data += "<ul>\n"
70    for i,build in enumerate(b.generateFinishedBuilds(num_builds=5)):
71      data += " <li>" + self.make_line(req, build, False) + "</li>\n"
72      if i == 0:
b	 buildbot.status.builder.BuilderStatus instance @ -0x579f2a14 <buildbot.status.builder.BuilderStatus instance at 0xa860d5ec>
i	 2	
self	 buildbot.status.web.builder.StatusResourceBuilder instance @ -0x59803034 <buildbot.status.web.builder.StatusResourceBuilder instance at 0xa67fcfcc>
req	 twisted.web.server.Request instance @ -0x59a0bef4 <GET /builders/qf-r14sp-win32-RUS HTTP/1.1>
build	 buildbot.status.builder.BuildStatus instance @ -0x5974ecd4 <buildbot.status.builder.BuildStatus instance at 0xa68b132c>
data	 '<a href="../">Quazal Jade</a>\n<h1>Builder: qf-r14sp-win32-RUS</h1>\n<h2>Currently Building:</h2>\n<ul>\n <li><a href="qf-r14sp-win32-RUS/builds/579">#579</a> ETA 722s (13:00:28) [cvs]</li>\n</ul>\n<h2>Recent Builds:</h2>\n<ul>\n <li><font size="-1">(Dec 13 12:24)</font> rev=[version is too-long] <span class="success">success</span> <a href="../builders/qf-r14sp-win32-RUS/builds/578">#578</a>: build successful</li>\n<br />\n <li><font size="-1">(Dec 13 12:02)</font> rev=[version is too-long] <span class="success">success</span> <a href="../builders/qf-r14sp-win32-RUS/builds/577">#577</a>: build successful</li>\n'	
/usr/python/lib/python2.4/site-packages/buildbot/status/web/base.py, line 316 in make_line
314      rev = "version is too-long"
315    root = self.path_to_root(req)
316    values = {'class': css_classes[results],
317         'builder_name': builder_name,
self	 buildbot.status.web.builder.StatusResourceBuilder instance @ -0x59803034 <buildbot.status.web.builder.StatusResourceBuilder instance at 0xa67fcfcc>
req	 twisted.web.server.Request instance @ -0x59a0bef4 <GET /builders/qf-r14sp-win32-RUS HTTP/1.1>
rev	 '??'	
results	 None	
builder_name	 'qf-r14sp-win32-RUS'	
root	 '../'	
path_to_root	 function path_to_root in file /usr/python/lib/python2.4/site-packages/buildbot/status/web/base.py at line 112
css_classes	 Dictionary instance @ -0x4866c424 
0	 'success'	
1	 'warnings'	
2	 'failure'	
4	 'exception'	



Carl Dionne 
Vice President R&D, Quazal
Tel: (514) 395-4646 (ext. 236)
Fax: (514) 395-6006
N'imitez rien ni personne. Un lion qui copie un lion devient un singe.
Hugo (Victor), Tas de pierres (Éditions Milieu du monde).
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