[Buildbot-devel] One way to manage multiple buildbots

Einar Karttunen ekarttun at cs.helsinki.fi
Mon Sep 4 18:55:31 UTC 2006


Here is a description of the approach I took
with buildbot configuration. Most of the machines
are inside one LAN. There are many projects and
I want to keep the configuration as simple as possible.

The buildmaster host is buildmaster.aoinet which
runs Debian. It has a default buildbot installation
with user buildbot and home /var/run/buildbot.

Under /var/run/buildbot/ there is a file named
"global-config" (attached) that is global configuration
shared by buildbot master instances. It also specifies
passwords for the slave machines.

Projects are controlled via a file called
/etc/aoinet/buildslave.list (attached). This has a
simple syntax of:
project-name  build-system  slave-port  http-port

There are three helper scripts (attached):
  * create buildslave user
  * create the buildmaster instances from
    buildslave.list missing from the buildmaster.
  * create the buildmaster instances from
    buildslave.list missing from this buildslave.

Common operations:

1) Create all missing slavebots on a buildslave host

  su buildslave -c /etc/aoinet/bin/update-buildslaves

  It helps to have a shellscript to run the same command
  on multiple hosts.

2) Add a new slave host

  add the slave name + password in global-config
  /etc/aoinet/bin/create-buildslave-user on the slave host
  and 1)

3) Add a new project

  Add a line to /etc/aoinet/buildslave.list
  on buildmaster /etc/aoinet/bin/update-buildmaster
  on buildslaves /etc/aoinet/bin/update-buildslave

In addition I modified darcs_buildbot.py to take a
project name and infer the port from the buildslave.list.

Hope this helps someone.

- Einar Karttunen
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# -*- python -*-
# ex: set syntax=python:

#project   = '<FIXME>'

buildtype = ''
portslave = 0
porthttp  = 0
for line in file("/etc/aoinet/buildslave.list"):
    if arr[0] == project:
        porthttp =arr[3]

# configuration parameters:
# 'preconfigure' = shell command as list to run before configure

c = BuildmasterConfig = {}


c['slavePortnum'] = portslave
c['bots']         = [
  ("yui",  "<omitted>"),
  <omitted rest>


import buildbot.changes.pb
c['sources'] = [buildbot.changes.pb.PBChangeSource()]


## configure the Schedulers

from buildbot.scheduler import Scheduler
from buildbot.scheduler import Try_Jobdir
c['schedulers'] = [Scheduler(name="all",  branch=None, treeStableTimer=2*60, builderNames=["casca"]),
                   Scheduler(name="fast", branch=None, treeStableTimer=5,    builderNames=["fast"]),
		   Try_Jobdir("try1", ["fast"], jobdir="jobdir")

####### BUILDERS

from buildbot import util
from buildbot.process.base import Build
from buildbot.process import step, factory

class Cabal(factory.BuildFactory):
    def __init__(self, source):
        assert isinstance(source, tuple)
        assert issubclass(source[0], step.BuildStep)
        factory.BuildFactory.__init__(self, [source])
        if options.has_key('preconfigure'):
            self.addStep(step.ShellCommand, command=options['preconfigure'], descriptionDone="preconfigure")
        self.addStep(step.Configure, command=["runghc", "Setup", "configure"])
        self.addStep(step.Compile, command=["runghc", "Setup", "build"])
        self.addStep(step.Test, command=["runghc", "Setup", "test"])

def s(steptype, **kwargs): return (steptype, kwargs)

def f(m):
    darcs = s(step.Darcs, repourl = ("http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/ekarttun/"+project+"/"+project), mode=m)
    return {'cabal': Cabal(source=darcs),
            'make' : factory.GNUAutoconf(source=darcs, configure="sh", configureFlags=["configure"])

def b(n, s, m):
  return ({'name':      n,
           'slavename': s,
           'builddir':  n,
           'factory':   f(m)})

c['builders'] = [b("fast", "yui", "update"),
                 b("casca","casca", "copy")


from buildbot.status import html
c['status'] = [html.Waterfall(http_port=porthttp)]


c['projectName'] = project
c['projectURL']  = "http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/ekarttun/"+project
c['buildbotURL'] = "http://localhost:"+porthttp+"/"

-------------- next part --------------
System-Daemon	cabal	7201	7301
network-alt	cabal	7202	7302
JoinHs		make	7203	7303
<omitted rest>
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set -e
set -v


umask 077

mkdir /var/home || true
useradd -m -d ${BASE} -s /bin/sh buildslave
chmod 711 /var/home

cd ${BASE}
mkdir .info
echo "Einar Karttunen <ekarttun at cs.helsinki.fi>" > .info/admin
uname -a                                         > .info/host


echo "Enter password for buildslave ${HOST}"

read PASS
echo $PASS > .buildbot-password

FILES=".info/* .info .buildbot-password"
chown buildslave ${FILES}

(crontab -l && echo "@reboot /etc/aoinet/bin/run-buildslaves") | crontab -

-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/env perl

my $b = "/var/run/buildbot";

chdir $b;

my $host = `hostname -s`;

open(F, "/etc/aoinet/buildslave.list") or die "No /etc/aoinet/buildslave.list!";

foreach(<F>) {
   @a = split;
   my $name = $a[0];
   my $sname = $name;
   $sname =~ s/\//_/g;
   my $type = $a[1];
   my $dir  = "${b}/${sname}";
   if(-d $dir) {
#       print "Skipping existing build-master dir: ${dir}\n";
   } else {
#       print "Creating build-master dir: ${dir}\n";
       mkdir $dir;
       cmd("buildbot create-master $dir");
       chdir $dir or die "chdir $dir failed!";
       open(N, ">${dir}/master.cfg") or die "Cannot write ${dir}/master.cfg";
       print N "project   = '$name'\n";
       print N "options   = {}\n";
       print N "execfile('../global-config')\n";
       close N;
       jdir("jobdir"); jdir("jobdir/new"); jdir("jobdir/tmp");
       rename('Makefile.sample', 'Makefile') || die "Failed with Makefile";
       cmd("make start");

sub jdir($) {
    my $d = shift;
    mkdir $d || die "mkdir $d failed";
    cmd("chgrp buildbot-try $d");
    chmod(0770, $d) || die "chmod $d failed!";

sub cmd($) {
    $c = shift;
    `$c && echo ok` || die "$c: failed!\n";

print "ok\n"
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#!/usr/bin/env perl

my $b = $ENV{'HOME'};

chdir $b;

my $host = `hostname -s`;

open(P, "${b}/.buildbot-password") or die "No buildbot password";
my $pass = <P>;
chomp $pass;
close P;

open(F, "/etc/aoinet/buildslave.list") or die "No /etc/aoinet/buildslave.list!";

foreach(<F>) {
   @a = split;
   my $name = $a[0];
   my $port = $a[2];
   my $dir  = "${b}/${name}";
   if(-d $dir) {
#       print "Skipping existing build-slave dir: ${dir}\n";
   } else {
#       print "Creating build-slave dir: ${dir}\n";
       my $cmd = "buildbot create-slave $dir buildmaster.aoinet:$port $host '$pass'\n";
       print $cmd; `$cmd` or die "Command execution failed!";
       chdir $dir or die "chdir $dir failed!";
       `rm -r info`;
       symlink("../.info", "info") || die "Failed to link in real info directory";
       rename('Makefile.sample', 'Makefile') || die "Failed with Makefile";
       `make start` || die "Error starting the service";

print "ok\n"
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