[Buildbot-devel] Buildbot-devel Digest, Vol 6, Issue 5

Ben Hearsum ben.hearsum at senecac.on.ca
Thu Oct 5 01:27:20 UTC 2006

Try the 'patches' section of the sourceforge page.

Minesh Patel wrote:
>  Sorry if you got this already but I couldn't observe the patches so
> I'll put them inline..
> Is there a proper way to submit these patches?
> Thanks,
> Minesh
> svnpoller.py
> ==========# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_svnpoller -*-
> # Many thanks to Dave Peticolas for contributing this module
> import re
> import time
> from twisted.python import log, failure
> from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
> from twisted.internet.utils import getProcessOutput
> from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
> from buildbot import util
> from buildbot.changes import base, changes
> from buildbot.changes.p4poller import get_simple_split
> import xml.dom.minidom
> class SVNSource(base.ChangeSource, util.ComparableMixin):
>     """This source will poll a subversion repository for changes and submit
>     them to the change master."""
>     compare_attrs = ["svnurl", "svnuser", "svnpasswd", "svnbase",
>                      "svnbin", "pollinterval", "histmax"]
>     parent = None # filled in when we're added
>     last_change = None
>     loop = None
>     volatile = ['loop']
>     working = False
>     def __init__(self, svnurl=None, svnuser=None, svnpasswd=None,
>                  svnbase='/', svnbin='svn',
>                  split_file=lambda svnpath: (None, svnpath),
>                  pollinterval=60 * 10, histmax=10):
>         """
>         @type  svnurl:       string
>         @param svnurl:       svn url definition (http(s)://...)
>         @type  svnuser:      string
>         @param svnuser:      svn user
>         @type  svnpasswd:    string
>         @param svnpasswd:    svn passwd
>         @type  svnbase:      string
>         @param svnbase:      svn path specification to limit a poll to
>                              a certain path after svnurl '...' (i.e., /foo/)
>         @type  svnbin:       string
>         @param svnbin:       path to svn binary, defaults to just 'svn'
>         @type  split_file:   func
>         $param split_file:   splits a filename into branch and filename.
>         @type  pollinterval: int
>         @param pollinterval: interval in seconds between polls
>         @type  histmax:      int
>         @param histmax:      maximum number of changes to look back through
>         """
>         if svnurl.endswith("/"):
>             svnurl = svnurl[:-1] # strip the trailing slash
>         self.svnurl = (svnurl + svnbase)
>         self.svnuser = svnuser
>         self.svnpasswd = svnpasswd
>         self.svnbase = svnbase
>         self.svnbin = svnbin
>         self.split_file = split_file
>         self.pollinterval = pollinterval
>         self.histmax = str(histmax)
>     def startService(self):
>         self.loop = LoopingCall(self.checksvn)
>         base.ChangeSource.startService(self)
>         # Don't start the loop just yet because the reactor isn't running.
>         # Give it a chance to go and install our SIGCHLD handler before
>         # spawning processes.
>         reactor.callLater(0, self.loop.start, self.pollinterval)
>     def stopService(self):
>         self.loop.stop()
>         return base.ChangeSource.stopService(self)
>     def describe(self):
>         return "svnsource url:%s base:%s" % (self.svnurl, self.svnbase)
>     def checksvn(self):
>         # Our return value is only used for unit testing.
>         if self.working:
>             log.msg("Skipping checksvn because last one has not finished")
>             return defer.succeed(None)
>         else:
>             self.working = True
>             d = self._get_changes()
>             d.addCallback(self._process_changes)
>             d.addBoth(self._finished)
>             return d
>     def _finished(self, res):
>         assert self.working
>         self.working = False
>         # Again, the return value is only for unit testing.
>         # If there's a failure, log it so it isn't lost.
>         if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
>             log.msg('SVN poll failed: %s' % res)
>         return res
>     def _get_changes(self):
>         args = []
>         if self.svnuser:
>             args.extend(['--username', self.svnuser])
>         if self.svnpasswd:
>             args.extend(['--password', self.svnpasswd])
>         if self.histmax:
>             args.extend(['--limit', self.histmax])
>         args.extend(['--verbose', '--xml', '--non-interactive'])
>         args.extend(['log', self.svnurl])
>         env = {}
>         return getProcessOutput(self.svnbin, args, env)
>     def _get_text(self, element, tag_name):
>         child_nodes = element.getElementsByTagName(tag_name)[0].childNodes
>         text = "".join([t.data for t in child_nodes])
>         return text
>     def _process_changes(self, result):
>         branch_files = {}
>         branch_rev = {}
>         branch_author = {}
>         branch_comments = {}
>         try:
>             doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(result)
>         except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
>             log.msg("_process_changes: ExpatError in %s" % result)
>             log.msg("SvnSource._determine_prefix_2: ExpatError in '%s'"
>                     % output)
>             raise
>         logentries = doc.getElementsByTagName("logentry")
>         mostRecent = int(logentries[0].getAttribute("revision"))
>         for entry in logentries:
>             rev = entry.getAttribute("revision")
>             rev = rev.encode("ascii")
>             author = self._get_text(entry, "author")
>             author = author.encode("ascii")
>             comments = self._get_text(entry, "msg")
>             comments = comments.encode("ascii")
>             pathlist = entry.getElementsByTagName("paths")[0]
>             if self.last_change == None:
>                 log.msg('SVNPoller: starting at change %s' % rev)
>                 self.last_change = rev
>                 return []
>             if self.last_change == rev:
>                 break
>             for p in pathlist.getElementsByTagName("path"):
>                 path = "".join([t.data for t in p.childNodes])
>                 path = path.encode("ascii")
>                 if path.startswith(self.svnbase):
>                     branch, file = self.split_file(path[len(self.svnbase):])
>                     if (branch == None and file == None): continue
>                     if branch_files.has_key(branch):
>                         branch_files[branch].append(path)
>                     else:
>                         branch_files[branch] = [path]
>                         branch_author[branch] = author
>                         branch_rev[branch] = rev
>                         branch_comments[branch] = comments
>         for branch in branch_files:
>             c = changes.Change(who=branch_author[branch],
>                                files=branch_files[branch],
>                                comments=branch_comments[branch],
>                                revision=branch_rev[branch],
>                                branch=(self.svnbase + branch))
>             self.parent.addChange(c)
>         if branch_rev.values():
>             self.last_change = branch_rev.values()[0]
> test_svnpoller.py
> =============
> import time
> from twisted.internet import defer
> from twisted.trial import unittest
> from buildbot.twcompat import maybeWait
> from buildbot.changes.changes import Change
> from buildbot.changes.svnpoller import SVNSource
> from buildbot.changes.p4poller import get_simple_split
> first_svnlist = \
> """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <log>
> <logentry
>    revision="1">
> <author>mpatel</author>
> <date>2006-09-26T20:32:41.670553Z</date>
> <paths>
> <path
>    action="A">/builds/</path>
> </paths>
> <msg>test</msg>
> </logentry>
> </log>
> """
> second_svnlist = \
> """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <log>
> <logentry
>    revision="21">
> <author>foo</author>
> <date>2006-09-26T20:32:41.670553Z</date>
> <paths>
> <path
>    action="A">/builds/</path>
> <path
>    action="A">/builds/</path>
> </paths>
> <msg>test</msg>
> </logentry>
> </log>
> """
> third_svnlist = \
> """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <log>
> <logentry
>    revision="43">
> <author>user</author>
> <date>2006-09-26T20:32:41.670553Z</date>
> <paths>
> <path
>    action="A">/builds/</path>
> <path
>    action="A">/builds/</path>
> <path
>    action="A">/builds/</path>
> </paths>
> <msg>test</msg>
> </logentry>
> </log>
> """
> fourth_svnlist = \
> """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <log>
> <logentry
>    revision="12">
> <author>mpatel</author>
> <date>2006-09-26T20:32:41.670553Z</date>
> <paths>
> <path
>    action="A">/builds/</path>
> </paths>
> <msg>test</msg>
> </logentry>
> <logentry
>    revision="14">
> <author>slamb</author>
> <date>2006-09-26T20:32:41.670553Z</date>
> <paths>
> <path
>    action="A">/builds/</path>
> <path
>    action="A">/builds/</path>
> </paths>
> <msg>test</msg>
> </logentry>
> </log>
> """
> class MockSVNSource(SVNSource):
>     """Test SVNSource which doesn't actually invoke svn."""
>     invocation = 0
>     def __init__(self, svnadd, *args, **kwargs):
>         SVNSource.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
>         self.svnadd = svnadd
>     def _get_changes(self):
>         assert self.working
>         result = self.svnadd[self.invocation]
>         self.invocation += 1
>         return defer.succeed(result)
>     def _get_describe(self, dummy, num):
>         assert self.working
>         return defer.succeed(self.p4change[num])
> class TestSVNPoller(unittest.TestCase):
>     def setUp(self):
>         self.changes = []
>         self.addChange = self.changes.append
>     def testCheck(self):
>         """Base successful checks"""
>         self.t = MockSVNSource(svnadd=[first_svnlist, second_svnlist],
>                               svnurl='http://path/to/repo', svnuser=None,
>                               svnbase='/builds/',
>                               split_file=lambda x: x.split('/', 1))
>         self.t.parent = self
>         # The first time, it just learns the change to start at.
>         self.assert_(self.t.last_change is None)
>         self.assert_(not self.t.working)
>         return maybeWait(self.t.checksvn().addCallback(self._testCheck2))
>     def _testCheck2(self, res):
>         self.assertEquals(self.changes, [])
>         self.assertEquals(self.t.last_change, '1')
>         # Subsequent times, it returns Change objects for new changes.
>         return self.t.checksvn().addCallback(self._testCheck3)
>     def _testCheck3(self, res):
>         self.assertEquals(len(self.changes), 2)
>         self.assertEquals(self.t.last_change, '21')
>         self.assert_(not self.t.working)
>         # They're supposed to go down in revision(head rev first)
>         self.assertEquals(self.changes[0].asText(),
>             Change(who='foo',
>                    files=['/builds/'],
>                    comments='test',
>                    revision='21',
>                    #when=self.makeTime("2006-09-26 12:01:49"),
>                    branch='').asText())
>     def testCheckNoBase(self):
>         """Empty base successful checks"""
>         self.t = MockSVNSource(svnadd=[first_svnlist, second_svnlist],
>                               svnurl='http://path/to/repo', svnuser=None,
>                               svnbase='/',
>                               split_file=lambda x: x.split('/', 1))
>         self.t.parent = self
>         # The first time, it just learns the change to start at.
>         self.assert_(self.t.last_change is None)
>         self.assert_(not self.t.working)
>         return
> maybeWait(self.t.checksvn().addCallback(self._testCheckNoBase1))
>     def _testCheckNoBase1(self, res):
>         self.assertEquals(self.changes, [])
>         self.assertEquals(self.t.last_change, '1')
>         # Subsequent times, it returns Change objects for new changes.
>         return self.t.checksvn().addCallback(self._testCheckNoBase2)
>     def _testCheckNoBase2(self, res):
>         self.assertEquals(len(self.changes), 1)
>         self.assertEquals(self.t.last_change, '21')
>         self.assert_(not self.t.working)
>         # They're supposed to go down in revision(head rev first)
>         self.assertEquals(self.changes[0].asText(),
>             Change(who='foo',
> files=['/builds/','/builds/'],                  
> comments='test',
>                    revision='21',
>                    #when=self.makeTime("2006-09-26 12:01:49"),
>                    branch='').asText())
>     def makeTime(self, timestring):
>         datefmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
>         when = time.mktime(time.strptime(timestring, datefmt))
>         return when
>     def testAlreadyWorking(self):
>         """don't launch a new poll while old is still going"""
>         self.t = SVNSource(svnurl='http://path/to/repo/')
>         self.t.working = True
>         self.assert_(self.t.last_change is None)
>         d = self.t.checksvn()
>         d.addCallback(self._testAlreadyWorking2)
>     def _testAlreadyWorking2(self, res):
>         self.assert_(self.t.last_change is None)
>     def testNumofUsers(self):
>         """Test the number of users """
>         self.t = MockSVNSource(svnadd=[fourth_svnlist],
>                               svnurl='http://path/to/repo', svnuser=None,
>                               svnbase='/builds/',
>                               split_file=lambda x: x.split('/', 1))
>         self.t.parent = self
>         self.t.last_change = 1
>         d = self.t.checksvn()
>         d.addCallback(self._testNumofUsers)
>     def _testNumofUsers(self, res):
>         users = []
>         for c in self.changes:
>             if c.who not in users:
>                 users.append(c.who)
>         self.assertEquals(len(users), 2)
>     def testSplitFile(self):
>         """Make sure split file works on branch only changes"""
>         self.t = MockSVNSource(svnadd=[third_svnlist],
>                               svnurl='http://path/to/repo', svnuser=None,
>                               svnbase='/builds/',
>                               split_file=get_simple_split)
>         self.t.parent = self
>         self.t.last_change = 43
>         d = self.t.checksvn()
>         d.addCallback(self._testSplitFile)
>     def _testSplitFile(self, res):
>         self.assertEquals(len(self.changes), 3)
>         self.assertEquals(self.t.last_change, '43')
> buildbot-devel-request at lists.sourceforge.net
> <mailto:buildbot-devel-request at lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
>> Send Buildbot-devel mailing list submissions to
>> 	buildbot-devel at lists.sourceforge.net <mailto:buildbot-devel at lists.sourceforge.net>
>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>> 	https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/buildbot-devel
>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>> 	buildbot-devel-request at lists.sourceforge.net <mailto:buildbot-devel-request at lists.sourceforge.net>
>> You can reach the person managing the list at
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>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of Buildbot-devel digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>>    1. Re: SvnSource poller (Niklaus Giger)
>>    2. Re: SVNPoller (Minesh Patel)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 21:22:08 +0200
>> From: Niklaus Giger <niklaus.giger at member.fsf.org> <mailto:niklaus.giger at member.fsf.org>
>> Subject: Re: [Buildbot-devel] SvnSource poller
>> To: Brian Warner <warner-buildbot at lothar.com> <mailto:warner-buildbot at lothar.com>
>> Cc: buildbot-devel at lists.sourceforge.net <mailto:buildbot-devel at lists.sourceforge.net>
>> Message-ID: <200610042122.09165.niklaus.giger at member.fsf.org> <mailto:200610042122.09165.niklaus.giger at member.fsf.org>
>> Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"
>> Am Montag, 2. Oktober 2006 02:25 schrieb Brian Warner:
>>> I spent the weekend working on the SvnSource code developed by Niklaus and
>>> others, and have finally checked it in. Thank you guys so much for writing
>>> this! I rearranged a lot of stuff.. I hope it still works in a useful way.
>>> Could the folks who were involved with this take a look at the latest
>>> CVS/Darcs and review my changes?
>> After being away a few days and having guests, I took a look at your changes.
>> Thank you a lot for reworking my proposed patches. I am learning more Python 
>> and a buildbot internals.
>>> I changed the API so that for situations where you're only following trunk
>>> you only have to provide one parameter, the svn URL that points at the top
>>> of the tree of interest. If you want to follow multiple branches at once,
>>> you have to provide a "split_file" function that knows about your branch
>>> naming policy. There are a lot of docs and examples in the User's Manual
>>> that I hope will explain how to use split_file().
>> I had no problem with these changes and they make sense to me.
>> <..>
>>>  Rather than setting the Change's timestamp to the value provided by the
>>> SVN server (which seemed to be in the server's timezone when I tried it), I
>>> just had the ChangeMaster assign the current time to each Change as it is
>>> submitted. Before doing this, I found that the Changes appeared several
>>> hours in the future, messing up the Waterfall display.
>> Good idea.
>>>  I took the unicode objects returned by minidom for filenames and forced
>>> them back into ascii, since sometimes they get included in commands and
>>> that would cause some problems. I left "comments" and "author" as unicode,
>>> but fixed up the HTML-rendering code that wasn't able to deal with it. I
>>> suspect that some other status targets may get screwed up by this, but I'd
>>> rather discover those and fix them than forbid unicode everywhere.
>>> Eventually I'd like everything to be unicode-clean but I suspect it will
>>> take a while.
>> Adding comments with german Umlauts and french accents worked in my 
>> environment (using konqueror as a web browser). But I am not sure whether the 
>> generated HTML code is correct.
>>> If you could, please see if you can make the new code do the things that
>>> the old code did. Hopefully I didn't break any of the functionality when I
>>> dived in and started rearranging everything.
>> I ran a few simple tests here and things behaved the way I expected.
>> I just noted the following small problem:
>> Specifiying (note the missing slash at the end of the URL)
>> c['buildbotURL'] = "http://localhost:8081"
>> generated in the build displays section "Steps and Logfiles:" (e.g. 
>> http://localhost:8081/svn-better/builds/2) incorrect references like
>> http://localhost:8081svn-better/builds/2/step-svn)
>> I do not now whether it is new or not.
>> Thanks for your great work!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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