[Buildbot-devel] Buildbot-devel Digest, Vol 6, Issue 5

Minesh Patel mpatel at 2wire.com
Thu Oct 5 00:02:02 UTC 2006

Sorry if you got this already but I couldn't observe the patches so I'll 
put them inline..
Is there a proper way to submit these patches?


==========# -*- test-case-name: buildbot.test.test_svnpoller -*-

# Many thanks to Dave Peticolas for contributing this module

import re
import time

from twisted.python import log, failure
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from twisted.internet.utils import getProcessOutput
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall

from buildbot import util
from buildbot.changes import base, changes
from buildbot.changes.p4poller import get_simple_split

import xml.dom.minidom

class SVNSource(base.ChangeSource, util.ComparableMixin):
    """This source will poll a subversion repository for changes and submit
    them to the change master."""

    compare_attrs = ["svnurl", "svnuser", "svnpasswd", "svnbase",
                     "svnbin", "pollinterval", "histmax"]

    parent = None # filled in when we're added
    last_change = None
    loop = None
    volatile = ['loop']
    working = False

    def __init__(self, svnurl=None, svnuser=None, svnpasswd=None,
                 svnbase='/', svnbin='svn',
                 split_file=lambda svnpath: (None, svnpath),
                 pollinterval=60 * 10, histmax=10):
        @type  svnurl:       string
        @param svnurl:       svn url definition (http(s)://...)
        @type  svnuser:      string
        @param svnuser:      svn user
        @type  svnpasswd:    string
        @param svnpasswd:    svn passwd
        @type  svnbase:      string
        @param svnbase:      svn path specification to limit a poll to
                             a certain path after svnurl '...' (i.e., /foo/)
        @type  svnbin:       string
        @param svnbin:       path to svn binary, defaults to just 'svn'
        @type  split_file:   func
        $param split_file:   splits a filename into branch and filename.
        @type  pollinterval: int
        @param pollinterval: interval in seconds between polls
        @type  histmax:      int
        @param histmax:      maximum number of changes to look back through

        if svnurl.endswith("/"):
            svnurl = svnurl[:-1] # strip the trailing slash
        self.svnurl = (svnurl + svnbase)
        self.svnuser = svnuser
        self.svnpasswd = svnpasswd
        self.svnbase = svnbase
        self.svnbin = svnbin
        self.split_file = split_file
        self.pollinterval = pollinterval
        self.histmax = str(histmax)

    def startService(self):
        self.loop = LoopingCall(self.checksvn)

        # Don't start the loop just yet because the reactor isn't running.
        # Give it a chance to go and install our SIGCHLD handler before
        # spawning processes.
        reactor.callLater(0, self.loop.start, self.pollinterval)

    def stopService(self):
        return base.ChangeSource.stopService(self)

    def describe(self):
        return "svnsource url:%s base:%s" % (self.svnurl, self.svnbase)

    def checksvn(self):
        # Our return value is only used for unit testing.
        if self.working:
            log.msg("Skipping checksvn because last one has not finished")
            return defer.succeed(None)
            self.working = True
            d = self._get_changes()
            return d

    def _finished(self, res):
        assert self.working
        self.working = False

        # Again, the return value is only for unit testing.
        # If there's a failure, log it so it isn't lost.
        if isinstance(res, failure.Failure):
            log.msg('SVN poll failed: %s' % res)
        return res

    def _get_changes(self):
        args = []
        if self.svnuser:
            args.extend(['--username', self.svnuser])
        if self.svnpasswd:
            args.extend(['--password', self.svnpasswd])
        if self.histmax:
            args.extend(['--limit', self.histmax])
        args.extend(['--verbose', '--xml', '--non-interactive'])
        args.extend(['log', self.svnurl])
        env = {}
        return getProcessOutput(self.svnbin, args, env)

    def _get_text(self, element, tag_name):
        child_nodes = element.getElementsByTagName(tag_name)[0].childNodes
        text = "".join([t.data for t in child_nodes])
        return text

    def _process_changes(self, result):
        branch_files = {}
        branch_rev = {}
        branch_author = {}
        branch_comments = {}

            doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(result)
        except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
            log.msg("_process_changes: ExpatError in %s" % result)
            log.msg("SvnSource._determine_prefix_2: ExpatError in '%s'"
                    % output)
        logentries = doc.getElementsByTagName("logentry")
        mostRecent = int(logentries[0].getAttribute("revision"))

        for entry in logentries:
            rev = entry.getAttribute("revision")
            rev = rev.encode("ascii")
            author = self._get_text(entry, "author")
            author = author.encode("ascii")
            comments = self._get_text(entry, "msg")
            comments = comments.encode("ascii")
            pathlist = entry.getElementsByTagName("paths")[0]
            if self.last_change == None:
                log.msg('SVNPoller: starting at change %s' % rev)
                self.last_change = rev
                return []
            if self.last_change == rev:

            for p in pathlist.getElementsByTagName("path"):
                path = "".join([t.data for t in p.childNodes])
                path = path.encode("ascii")
                if path.startswith(self.svnbase):
                    branch, file = self.split_file(path[len(self.svnbase):])
                    if (branch == None and file == None): continue
                    if branch_files.has_key(branch):
                        branch_files[branch] = [path]
                        branch_author[branch] = author
                        branch_rev[branch] = rev
                        branch_comments[branch] = comments

        for branch in branch_files:
            c = changes.Change(who=branch_author[branch],
                               branch=(self.svnbase + branch))

        if branch_rev.values():
            self.last_change = branch_rev.values()[0]

import time

from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.trial import unittest

from buildbot.twcompat import maybeWait
from buildbot.changes.changes import Change
from buildbot.changes.svnpoller import SVNSource
from buildbot.changes.p4poller import get_simple_split

first_svnlist = \
"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
second_svnlist = \
"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
third_svnlist = \
"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
fourth_svnlist = \
"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

class MockSVNSource(SVNSource):
    """Test SVNSource which doesn't actually invoke svn."""
    invocation = 0

    def __init__(self, svnadd, *args, **kwargs):
        SVNSource.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.svnadd = svnadd

    def _get_changes(self):
        assert self.working
        result = self.svnadd[self.invocation]
        self.invocation += 1
        return defer.succeed(result)

    def _get_describe(self, dummy, num):
        assert self.working
        return defer.succeed(self.p4change[num])

class TestSVNPoller(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.changes = []
        self.addChange = self.changes.append

    def testCheck(self):
        """Base successful checks"""
        self.t = MockSVNSource(svnadd=[first_svnlist, second_svnlist],
                              svnurl='http://path/to/repo', svnuser=None,
                              split_file=lambda x: x.split('/', 1))
        self.t.parent = self

        # The first time, it just learns the change to start at.
        self.assert_(self.t.last_change is None)
        self.assert_(not self.t.working)
        return maybeWait(self.t.checksvn().addCallback(self._testCheck2))

    def _testCheck2(self, res):
        self.assertEquals(self.changes, [])
        self.assertEquals(self.t.last_change, '1')

        # Subsequent times, it returns Change objects for new changes.
        return self.t.checksvn().addCallback(self._testCheck3)

    def _testCheck3(self, res):
        self.assertEquals(len(self.changes), 2)
        self.assertEquals(self.t.last_change, '21')
        self.assert_(not self.t.working)

        # They're supposed to go down in revision(head rev first)
                   #when=self.makeTime("2006-09-26 12:01:49"),

    def testCheckNoBase(self):
        """Empty base successful checks"""
        self.t = MockSVNSource(svnadd=[first_svnlist, second_svnlist],
                              svnurl='http://path/to/repo', svnuser=None,
                              split_file=lambda x: x.split('/', 1))
        self.t.parent = self

        # The first time, it just learns the change to start at.
        self.assert_(self.t.last_change is None)
        self.assert_(not self.t.working)

    def _testCheckNoBase1(self, res):
        self.assertEquals(self.changes, [])
        self.assertEquals(self.t.last_change, '1')

        # Subsequent times, it returns Change objects for new changes.
        return self.t.checksvn().addCallback(self._testCheckNoBase2)

    def _testCheckNoBase2(self, res):
        self.assertEquals(len(self.changes), 1)
        self.assertEquals(self.t.last_change, '21')
        self.assert_(not self.t.working)

        # They're supposed to go down in revision(head rev first)
                   #when=self.makeTime("2006-09-26 12:01:49"),

    def makeTime(self, timestring):
        datefmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
        when = time.mktime(time.strptime(timestring, datefmt))
        return when

    def testAlreadyWorking(self):
        """don't launch a new poll while old is still going"""
        self.t = SVNSource(svnurl='http://path/to/repo/')
        self.t.working = True
        self.assert_(self.t.last_change is None)
        d = self.t.checksvn()

    def _testAlreadyWorking2(self, res):
        self.assert_(self.t.last_change is None)

    def testNumofUsers(self):
        """Test the number of users """
        self.t = MockSVNSource(svnadd=[fourth_svnlist],
                              svnurl='http://path/to/repo', svnuser=None,
                              split_file=lambda x: x.split('/', 1))
        self.t.parent = self
        self.t.last_change = 1
        d = self.t.checksvn()

    def _testNumofUsers(self, res):
        users = []
        for c in self.changes:
            if c.who not in users:
        self.assertEquals(len(users), 2)

    def testSplitFile(self):
        """Make sure split file works on branch only changes"""
        self.t = MockSVNSource(svnadd=[third_svnlist],
                              svnurl='http://path/to/repo', svnuser=None,
        self.t.parent = self
        self.t.last_change = 43
        d = self.t.checksvn()

    def _testSplitFile(self, res):
        self.assertEquals(len(self.changes), 3)
        self.assertEquals(self.t.last_change, '43')

buildbot-devel-request at lists.sourceforge.net wrote:
> Send Buildbot-devel mailing list submissions to
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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: SvnSource poller (Niklaus Giger)
>    2. Re: SVNPoller (Minesh Patel)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 21:22:08 +0200
> From: Niklaus Giger <niklaus.giger at member.fsf.org>
> Subject: Re: [Buildbot-devel] SvnSource poller
> To: Brian Warner <warner-buildbot at lothar.com>
> Cc: buildbot-devel at lists.sourceforge.net
> Message-ID: <200610042122.09165.niklaus.giger at member.fsf.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"
> Am Montag, 2. Oktober 2006 02:25 schrieb Brian Warner:
>> I spent the weekend working on the SvnSource code developed by Niklaus and
>> others, and have finally checked it in. Thank you guys so much for writing
>> this! I rearranged a lot of stuff.. I hope it still works in a useful way.
>> Could the folks who were involved with this take a look at the latest
>> CVS/Darcs and review my changes?
> After being away a few days and having guests, I took a look at your changes.
> Thank you a lot for reworking my proposed patches. I am learning more Python 
> and a buildbot internals.
>> I changed the API so that for situations where you're only following trunk
>> you only have to provide one parameter, the svn URL that points at the top
>> of the tree of interest. If you want to follow multiple branches at once,
>> you have to provide a "split_file" function that knows about your branch
>> naming policy. There are a lot of docs and examples in the User's Manual
>> that I hope will explain how to use split_file().
> I had no problem with these changes and they make sense to me.
> <..>
>>  Rather than setting the Change's timestamp to the value provided by the
>> SVN server (which seemed to be in the server's timezone when I tried it), I
>> just had the ChangeMaster assign the current time to each Change as it is
>> submitted. Before doing this, I found that the Changes appeared several
>> hours in the future, messing up the Waterfall display.
> Good idea.
>>  I took the unicode objects returned by minidom for filenames and forced
>> them back into ascii, since sometimes they get included in commands and
>> that would cause some problems. I left "comments" and "author" as unicode,
>> but fixed up the HTML-rendering code that wasn't able to deal with it. I
>> suspect that some other status targets may get screwed up by this, but I'd
>> rather discover those and fix them than forbid unicode everywhere.
>> Eventually I'd like everything to be unicode-clean but I suspect it will
>> take a while.
> Adding comments with german Umlauts and french accents worked in my 
> environment (using konqueror as a web browser). But I am not sure whether the 
> generated HTML code is correct.
>> If you could, please see if you can make the new code do the things that
>> the old code did. Hopefully I didn't break any of the functionality when I
>> dived in and started rearranging everything.
> I ran a few simple tests here and things behaved the way I expected.
> I just noted the following small problem:
> Specifiying (note the missing slash at the end of the URL)
> c['buildbotURL'] = "http://localhost:8081"
> generated in the build displays section "Steps and Logfiles:" (e.g. 
> http://localhost:8081/svn-better/builds/2) incorrect references like
> http://localhost:8081svn-better/builds/2/step-svn)
> I do not now whether it is new or not.
> Thanks for your great work!

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