[Buildbot-devel] problem with cvs checkout on windows -> BUGFIX (patch)

Alexander Lorenz lorenz at testingtech.de
Tue Aug 29 12:01:47 UTC 2006

Alexander Lorenz wrote:
> hello,
> i'm having the following problem when trying to run the cvs checkout  
> buildstep from step.py on a windows client:
> apparently, with windows, the cvs command is not called directly, but 
> treated like a shell commands step, thus executed as "cmd.exe /c cvs ...".
> this leads to cmd.exe not resolving the source stamp argument ( -D) 
> correctly and passing each part of the date to the cvs command as a 
> single argument.
> the result is the cvs command not being able to check out module 
> "Monday" etc. , of course.
> is there a way to get the cvs command being called directly, not via 
> cmd.exe?
> another way - probalby better - would be to quote the source stamp.
> btw, quote from the cvs manual:
> "Remember to quote the argument to the -D flag so  that  your  shell  
> doesn't  interpret spaces as argument separators."
> ;)
> regards
> lx


i have now solved abovementioned problem with 'cvs' from cygwin and the 
'-D' option (revision date) on a windows slave:

i patched the CVS class in 'slave/commands.py' so that it now 
distinguishes between a posix and a windows host, and puts "" around the 
cvs date argument for the latter.

i think this would also be uselful to go into the main trunk, sinvce it 
corrects an abberation from the cvs standard manual (see above).
what do you think, brian?



Index: buildbot/slave/commands.py
RCS file: 
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 commands.py
--- buildbot/slave/commands.py 15 Mar 2006 15:04:52 -0000 1.2
+++ buildbot/slave/commands.py 29 Aug 2006 11:49:22 -0000
@@ -850,7 +850,11 @@
self.login = args.get('login')
self.sourcedata = "%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (self.cvsroot, self.cvsmodule,
+ if self.revision:
+ if (runtime.platformType == 'win32'):
+ self.revision = "'" + self.revision + "'"
def sourcedirIsUpdateable(self):
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.builder.basedir,
self.srcdir, ".buildbot-patched")):

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