[Buildbot-devel] Setting the PATH for a test run

Kevin Turner kevin at janrain.com
Thu Apr 6 23:55:22 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-04-06 at 10:55 +0100, Paul Gregory wrote:
> 1) setting workdir='aqsis' for the build doesn't work, as SVN checked
> out to 'build/aqsis', How can I get the base directory ('build') when
> setting up the workdir?

To some degree, it depends on what source step you used -- some of them
can be configured to put their output in a directory not named "build."
But if you've figured out that it does need to be 'build', I think the
best approach for now is to just hardcode your workdir as
build/aqsis/testing/regression in your configuration.  Yes, that's a
little fragile in the event that the source step changes and you're no
longer using a directory named "build" anymore, but it works.

> 2) I need to get '<base>/aqsis/output/bin' onto the PATH used for
> running the regression test, how can I do that?

You can set environment variables, including PATH, by providing a dict
for the 'env' parameter of the build step.  PYTHONPATH is treated
specially -- it is concatenated with the builder's local PYTHONPATH, not
replaced -- I don't remember if PATH receives this same treatment or

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