[Buildbot-devel] setting the description field for ShellCommand

John Blair John.Blair at Sun.COM
Mon Nov 7 18:12:50 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-11-06 at 22:35 -0800, Brian Warner wrote:
> > This lets me write steps like this in the master.cfg file:
> > 
> > s(step.DescribedShellCommand,
> >                 command = ["cp", "foo/bar/baz/Makefile.foo", "."],
> >                 description = ["build", "prep"],
> >                 descriptionDone = ["prep done"])
> So, um, did you try doing exactly this with the normal step.ShellCommand? I
> just tried that and it seems to work just fine. I had assumed there was a bug
> in the way it used self.__class__.parms (I can no longer remember why I
> didn't use just self.parms), but when I went to run a test, it seems like
> there isn't actually a bug there.
> What problem did you run into that required the custom subclass?

Yep, I did try it, and it didn't work.  I just tried this again to make

s(step.ShellCommand, command=["sleep", "5"], description=["foo"])

It showed 'sleep 5' in the waterfall display.

I'm using version 0.6.6.  Perhaps you've cahnged something since then
that fixes this?


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