[users at bb.net] is the buildset's submitted_at available to a buildstep when determining doStepIf

Steven White sawhite at ara.com
Mon May 3 18:12:53 UTC 2021

So, I'm trying to use the day of the week my nightly scheduler was  submitted to determine if some steps should be skipped. The idea is to run additional steps that take a long time on Friday night and once a month run additional longer steps which will take the entire weekend to complete.

So I was running the following code, but realized it fails if the steps executed before the "Drug Validation" step have caused the current time to roll over to the Saturday.  So an easy work around is to check for the weekend, but I was hopping to just use the submission time of the buildstep.  I get a little confused on what is available to me in the python objects so I thought I would ask.

19 def is_friday():
20   today = datetime.date.today()
21   return today.weekday() == calendar.FRIDAY
23 def is_last_friday():
24   today = datetime.date.today()
25   nextweek = today + datetime.timedelta(days=7)
26   return is_weekend() and nextweek.month != today.month
133         factory.addStep(steps.ShellCommand(command=util.Interpolate("%s/bg-cli%s VALIDATE drug" % (build_dir, exe))
134                            ,name="Drug Validation"
135                            ,doStepIf=lambda step: (isWeekly or isMonthly) and is_ friday ()
136                            ,hideStepIf=lambda results, s: results==SKIPPED
137                            ,haltOnFailure=False
138                            ,flunkOnFailure=False
139                            ,workdir=util.Interpolate("%(prop:builddir)s/build/runtime")
140                            ,env={ "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" : util.Interpolate('%(prop:builddir)s/source/external/%(prop:external_dir)s/lib/')
141                                 ,"DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH" : util.Interpolate('%(prop:builddir)s/source/external/%(prop:external_dir)s/lib/')
142                                }
143                        )
144         )

I'm assuming I can write a function that uses the Data API for this, but I just don't understand enough python to wrap my head around the yield self.master.data syntax I keep seeing through out the code and I'm hoping someone on the list can provide a little feedback on how to access data elements like this when passing in these conditional lambdas.

Steven A White, Ph.D |Senior Engineer
Applied Research Associates, Inc.<applewebdata://1697E48A-4715-4EFA-AC5E-7847B313B2E4/UrlBlockedError.aspx>
8537 Six Forks Rd., Raleigh, NC 27615
Phone: 919.582.3300

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