[users at bb.net] Downloading a packaged build

Dan Kegel dank at kegel.com
Mon Sep 23 18:48:46 UTC 2019

You can add a URL to the artifact by overriding ShellCommand's
createSummary method and calling addURL... assuming it's on a web
server somewhere.
See http://docs.buildbot.net/0.8.6p1/reference/buildbot.steps.shell.ShellCommand-class.html

Here's how I do it:

class LinkedShellCommand(steps.ShellCommand):
    """A shell command that adds a URL to the build resuilts."""
    def __init__(self,**kwargs):

    def createSummary(self,log):
         rooturl = "http://%s/repobot" % MASTER
         # Upload to different location, based on whether this build
was from a tag
         stability = intuit_buildtype(self.getProperty("commit-description"))
         buildername = self.getProperty("buildername")
         buildnumber = self.getProperty("buildnumber")
         artifact_url = "%s/%s/builds/%s/%d/" % (rooturl, stability,
buildername, buildnumber)
         self.addURL("artifacts", artifact_url)

That's all specific to my setup, but the idea is to override
ShellCommand's createSummary method and have it call addURL.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 11:34 AM honas grael <honasgraeymael at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am not sure how to do this I have a buildbot instance, which builds my application and creates a zip file, this zip file contains everything an end user would need to run my application. once the build worker is done it transfers the zip file to the buildmaster, at a fixed (static) directory.
> What I would like to do next is make the zip file downloadable from the the buildbot UI, so that a user can see all the steps and if they want the user can download the zip file onto their local machine.
> Is this possible.
> I see that buildbot has download buttons that allow users to download things like build logs.
> How can i get this kind of thing to be available to end users for my zip file
> Regards
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