[users at bb.net] Question on passing state between steps

Greg Bullock greg at nwra.com
Tue May 7 20:55:55 UTC 2019

I faced a similar problem.  To work around it, I have a batch file (see 
below) to run consecutively all the steps that need to share the 

It's not perfect.  In particular, I've had trouble getting useful 
stdout/stderr logs and error code back to the builder when one of the 
steps fails.

I'd appreciate your sharing back any improvements you make on this.

echo off

set THREAD_CFG=%~1
if /i "%~1"=="" set THREAD_CFG=single
if /i "%~2"=="" set LIB_LINKING=shared
if /i "%~3"=="" set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
if /i "%~4"=="" set PROJ_FOLDER=Main_Project

:: For the log, show the command line we're about to run
set a_cmd=cd ..\build_out
echo %a_cmd%

:: For the log, show the command line we're about to run
set a_cmd=set path=C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin;G:\TDM-GCC-64\bin;%path%
:: set a_cmd=set path=C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin;%path%
echo %a_cmd%

echo %path%
:: set path=G:\TDM-GCC-64\bin;%path%   -- The TDM builds cause a runtime 
error. Disable for now.
:: set 
-- Should not be necessary, as it's on the buildbot BuilderConfig PATH 
environment variable.

:: For the log, show the command line we're about to run
set a_cmd=cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_Threading="%THREAD_CFG%" 
echo %a_cmd%

:: For the log, show the command line we're about to run
set a_cmd=mingw32-make
echo %a_cmd%


On 5/7/2019 1:22 PM, Trung Tran wrote:
> I current doing a simple build steps that include
> "Setup enviroments" (running vcvarsall.bat")
> "Run Cmake"
> "Run MsBuild"
> I notice that all steps are not sharing any state between them. This 
> is the issue for my setup environment steps because I need that for 
> both sub sequence step.
> What is the right way to do this?
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Greg Bullock
NorthWest Research Associates
301 Webster St.
Monterey, CA  93940
(831) 582-4907
greg at nwra.com

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