[users at bb.net] Redirect to configured URL in Buildbot 1.0

Pierre Tardy tardyp at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 09:27:49 UTC 2018

Hi Will,
There is no such auto-redirect feature. I wonder if there is no security
issue with such feature. Probably not, but this has to be though of

There is an unfinised pull request which allows to configure several
aliases for a buildbot master.
Please feel free to finish it!


On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 1:28 AM Will Rosecrans <wrosecrans at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am in the process of updating configs from Buildbot 0.8 to 1.0, and it's
> a bit fussier about which URL is used to access it.
> So if the configured URL is http://buildmaster.myteam.example.com and
> somebody accesses it through a short name like http://buildmaster.myteam,
> buildbot grumbles with a warning and stuff like force builds don't work.
>     Warning c['buildbotURL'] is misconfigured to
>        http://buildmaster.myteam.example.com
>     Should be
>        http://buildmaster.myteam
> Is there any way to just redirect to the canonical name rather than
> showing the warning?  Or alternately, can I configure buildbot to accept
> any of a list of names as being canonical or something?
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