[users at bb.net] MailNotifier with multiple branches

Wybe van der Ham buildbot at snth.eu
Thu Jun 7 14:19:04 UTC 2018

Hi All,

Hopefully you all can give me some advice with the following 
MailNotifier thing.

In our development setup we use multiple branches, each containing a 
specific feature. Our buildbot setup compiles and tests the code in a 
branch after a commit has been done to that branch. We use the 
MailNotifier to mail us any failures that occur. We also want to receive 
an e-mail when the build is successful after the previous build for this 
branch failed.

Or to say it in other words, I want:
1) Dev commits to branch A, build passes: no mail
2) Dev commits to branch X, build fails: mail that build failed
3) Dev commits to branch A, build still passes: no mail (previous build 
for A was successful)
4) Dev commits to branch X, build passes: mail that build now succeeds 
because previous build for branch X failed.

The buildbot status is per builder, not per branch. With the mode=change 
in the MailNotifier, I would get a mail for step 2 and 3, not for step 

Is there a way to configure buildbot in such a way to yield the result 
as described above?

Kind regards,


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